Overview of My Security Systems Living Under a Crushing Dictatorship

As the intellectual property that I am developing was designed to stop this destruction of our civil liberties, it is too valuable for me to simply allow anyone to steal these ideas

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Technology
Posted: 24 February 2023

See my research on gravity control at the following url:


As the intellectual property that I am developing was designed to stop this destruction of our civil liberties, it is too valuable for me to simply allow anyone to steal these ideas, so I must take great care in the management of my digital assets. This article will attempt to outline the security model that I have had to employ in order to preserve my digital assets, and to survive, alone. I pray that we, as the human species, shall better organize ourselves and to rise up as a free and independent people soon and that this extra security management work will no longer be necessary for me in my life. In the mean time...

This is not an easy fix and, I, with 40 plus years working in tech struggle to maintain any semblance of digital privacy. Keep in mind that you may not be able to do everything that I am outlining, but being aware of how they are getting in and what you can do as a consumer to purchase better gear that may lead to a brighter future for all of us (AND STOP THOSE STUPID, STUPID, STUPID BIOS MEMORY MAKERS!).

First of all, I mentioned "alone". If you are a high profile target of great importance, you will likely not be able to maintain a romantic relationship. They have people who will break in while you and your loved one's are sleeping, drug them and do whatever the hell they want to you and them. They have studied Indian drugs of submission (feathers not dots), LSD and others. They can inject gas into your home, temporarily knock you out, enter, then inject you with stronger drugs. These stronger drugs may include things that will paralyze your ability to defend yourself and begin to reprogram your mind, against you.

If you are at this level of interest, you will have great difficulty controlling your own life. Fortunately, very few gain this much interest. If you are in this category, I am not even sure what to tell you, other than you should probably relocate to another country and hope that they do not follow you. Generally, rural areas yield less accessibility by the bad guys than urban areas.

First of all, your telephone is not yours. It belongs to them. If you think that you bought that shinny new cell phone for yourself, you have not. It is their telephone and they control it. You can take it home with you and you can carry it around with you, but that is about all you may expect from it. There is the possibility that you could flash your Android telephone with Linux. I have considered this option, but not yet tried it because of the plethora of useful Android applications which I both need and am addicted to, and lacking suitable Linux only variants. If you do decide to replace your subverted by default and controlled Android OS with cellphone Linux variant, be very careful about what applications you install. Internet surfing through a browser would be out. If you surf on any browser that has javascript enabled, they will gain access to your device. Also, there are many hacks that are continually discovered in chat applications such as Whatsapp and Telegram. Sorry to burst your bubble. All of the above applies equally to Apple iOS, although I do not consider myself an expert in iOS.

Furthermore, your telephone is essentially an SDR that they will control. What is an SDR? An SDR is a software defined radio which is a radio that can be digitally managed, ergo, controlled through software. I am a veteran software developer. If you give me access to something controlled by software that I wrote, I can make it do almost any trick that you can imagine. Why is this important? Because, your telephone can be used to remotely read the screen of your PC computer at up to 3 or 4 meters. They call this attack Ven Eck Phreaking or Tempest. If they can move the radio frequency down into the 450 Mhz range, then they are able to pick up the faint signal of the video feed to the monitor and then software, available through open source, is able to reconstruct what is on your screen. You are a ridiculous fool if you think that this is not possible, and just kindly shut up. I am so tired of hearing unqualified people say things like, this is not possible, too difficult, "you are paranoid", etc. YOU ARE WRONG! PLEASE TAKE A SEAT IN THE CORNER, AND BE QUIET! Just because our subversive and terrible little government has not taken an interest in little old you, does not mean that the rest of us have to watch out and not say anything to arouse your specific and well programmed stimulus response opinions. Just be quiet, please. Now, if you have wondered how they were stealing your ideas on your PC that you thought you had disconnected entirely from the Internet and turned off bluetooth, WiFi, etc, now you know. Place your telephone at least 4 meters away from your PC screen if you do not want them reading your monitor. Removing the SIM card will likely also disable your telephone. You can also place your cell phone in a microwave oven which is a Faraday cage (although the magnetron does have a small opening). Just don't accidentally turn on the micro!

Additionally, I have heard that the really dirty players have begun to use the SDR in mobile phones to broadcast harmful signals at us while we sleep that could damage our biology, produce brain and other cancers. Although the radio in most cell phones is not very powerful, I have heard that this is being done also. Therefore, with a little optimization, the thing could probably be used to hurt you. Never sleep close to your cell phone.

If your PC has MS Windows, you will never secure your PC. Microsoft has willingly built an open access operating system for the intelligence communities of our planet, and the non Nato governments likely purchases technological access through this extremely insecure operating system. Your best option is Linux. Some people may just now groan and be rolling their eyes upward, saying things like, "I don't know anything about Linux!". However, beginners may gain entry into the Linux world using a thing called a "Live CD" which is an entire operating system on disk/USB that you can download, copy to removable storage and then boot off of, completely bypassing MS Windows and the local EFI system. Research this topic on your own. There is much good assistance out there waiting for you.

Unless someone has some information or ideas that I do not, you can no longer surf the Internet from a computer that you hope to keep secure. This is because of javascript. Javascript is essentially executable content you download that runs as small programs inside of your web browser. The NSA, MI6, etc, etc, maintain lists of vulnerabilities and code injectables to compromise and access your browser through exploits using javascript. The attack goes as follows: 1) You access a website with javascript enabled, 2) They inject a payload on the wire (insert bad code into your surfing traffic) that creates a buffer overflow or exploits some other weakness in the browser javascript engine, 3) Your browser executes the code, 4) They get shell on your system, running as the user that started the browser, 5) They execute an escalation of privilege attack to gain root/administrator privilege, 6) They install a permanent back door in your operating system that restarts when you boot up and hides itself, 7) They compromise your main BIOS or any video card BIOS to maintain permanent control and ownership of your computer. Completion all the way through step seven means that reinstalling your PC's operating system will not fix the problem. By they installing their code onto the BIOS memory of your system means that your system has been deeply subverted. With this hook they can boot back into any new operating system you may install, restore their kit and be back in business, probably within 15-45 minutes.

You may think that SSL, tunneled web traffic is safe, and are therefore immune to malicious javascript injection while surfing, but it is not. All major nations of our world have compromised the certificate authorities, their algorithms are compromised and so are you. Forget it! Javascript is the pandora’s box from hell that we must now live with. Sadly, many website developers have taken the easy rather than the secure route and require you to use javascript to run their insecure web apps. Perhaps if they realized that forcing dependence upon javascript does not just enable street hackers, but mainly governments as they have compromised the router infrastructure, making TLS injections FULLY AUTOMATED and available to virtually any of they or their "partners" (ref: Bamford NSA). These partners frequently include drug dealers who may themselves be drug addicts and engage in other types of criminal activities. This has lead to the victimization of many, many good citizens. The other issue that saddens me is the BIOS memory manufacturers not developing a security protocol to deny rewriting of the software contained on the system startup boot code. It would be so easy to install a physical switch inside the PC that must be switched to an open position in order to flash any secure system memory chips such as the one storing the BIOS code, but I have never seen this done. I would pay double for a computer if it had this one simple functional upgrade which would cost pennies to add!

If you go online and surf, assume that you will be compromised within 3 minutes. If you have a persistent user cache and you have used a web browser on the Internet, consider that user cache compromised. If you continue to run this compromised PC, expect them to install a persistent back door within 20 minutes.

Once your computer has been compromised, they go straight for the bluetooth. With it, they use your telephone to remote control your computer, even when you think you are unplugged and offline. If you are in such a circumstance, you must get your telephone out of bluetooth range of your PC. If your home networking gear utilizes a router with upgradable BIOS, then that device will also likely be eventually compromised. In the early 2000s my friends and I used to like to hack the Linksys routers. When I used to go to their houses to hang out, if we started drinking I would inevitably, before the night was out, show them how to download a new, hacked firmware for their router and then help them flash it and boost their router's performance, giving them access to its internal functions, including the power setting of the radio. I don't do this anymore, simply because it gives the bad guys access to my friend's systems. Once I flash the router with a common Linux variant such as DDWRT/OpenWRT, then I have moved them one step closer to being hacked and potentially compromised, unfortunately. If you don't touch your router's default configuration or ever log into it as admin, you are, in many instances, better off. The extreme exception is older routers using WEP for WiFi security, which was child's play to hack using an active attack and injecting of IV packets. WEP has a serious flaw as every skript kiddie will attest where the key repeats ever 5 million packets. Most routers now use some form of WPA, which is much harder to crack. Remember by just logging into your router's admin interface from a compromised PC or telephone gives them the admin password, which they cannot read off the router plastic case unless they enter your premises. Entry onto your property is not usually in the protocol, unless someone from the upper echelon has their eye on you.

If the BIOS memory of your PC gets hacked, good luck fixing it. Your best option is to download a BIOS upgrade from the manufacturer and to flash your BIOS. Often times this is a fairly simple project, but it usually requires that the original Windows operating system is running. This is a problem for me, because the first thing that I always like to do with a new computer is to completely wipe Windows from my system. There are, of course, work arounds, but that gets a little beyond the scope of this article. You may wish to leave your original operating system functional or install a dual boot system. Just remember that the Live CD is always a more secure option.

I have developed a system on my PC where I hacked the Live CD to include all of my required applications and bake this into a new, customized Live CD. Web search, "hacking the live cd for XYZ", where XYZ is your favorite Linux distro. Normally, I then boot from an EFI and boot loader that is located on a USB, placing my main Live CD image as one big file on the hard drive. This USB then stays with me always. This boot system is extremely fast and reasonably secure. This part is technical, but, for using SSH for remote access, I then chroot into another Live CD session before running the ssh program making sure that there are zero socket listeners on my local system (ergo, no ssh, telnet, http, etc). I stay online for only the minimum time required and never run a browser on my secure system.

If you are like me, in too deep, things are probably far more complicated than you realize. Usually, the one/ones who are in contact with you in your local community are sub contractors and non government private contractors. Often times they are involved with criminal groups engaging in other types of crimes. Common to this, in North, Central and South America especially, is drug dealers. As the sub contractor my be involved with local drug dealers, they may not be highly trusted by their superiors and, therefore, not be given access to the latest and greatest tools or the public services that you may provide on your web servers. Therefore, although, they would really wish to gain access to your web servers, you may be in luck and the two primary three letter acronym agencies in charge of this sort of mischief may tell them to fuck off from time to time. This can work in your favor but you must maintain tight security if you hope to secure your web servers. Sometimes really tight.

There are a few things extra that you can do, but they are a bit more work. Everyone should build a Faraday cage around their bed. EF energy is everywhere and not very healthy. I have built EF broadcasting equipment by combining three microwave ovens to build a wave guide where I may modulate a voice into a broadcast signal that you may hear in your head. A Faraday cage around your bed would not only protect you while you slept, but would allow you to use your laptop without remote screen readers seeing what you are doing, even with your hacked telephone or their equipment within range. You will also feel more rested in the morning. There are a few videos explaining this upgrade, web search "diy faraday cage around my bed"

Additionally, you can buy your own SDR on AliExpress/Bangood/Etc and make a jammer for your monitor. It should broadcast a constant signal noise in a sweep range at the specific frequencies where this detection works best. I think, although I am far from expert on this remote monitor reading tech, this is in the mid 400 MHz range.

Another caveot, if you think that you can run a live CD inside of your booted and running Windows operating system and then surf with impunity through that live session and remain uncompromisable, yes, they thought of that one too. After they gain root/administrator in the live session through your javascript enabled browser, they will pierce right through your little VirtualBox/VM Ware shell. This wondrous trick will give you at most five extra minutes. There might be some additional protection if you run a non standard virtualization system such as QEMU or Hypervisor, but who knows! It all depends on the compromises that they have available. Once they get loose and start running around in your system (have shell), they will eventually bring down the whole thing. I warned you. I run a host that is compromised for the business of my life, knowing that this system is compromised and that I must tolerate this intrusion. For certain types of activities I usually run my telephone. For the rare stuff that requires a PC, I fire up my spambot PC box that I know is certainly compromised, and run it for as short a time as possible. Do not ever connect valuable disk storage/USB to this machine or your telephone. The external storage could be compromised in a variety of ways and damage your more secured digital assets. Every once in a while I forget and they randomize the dictionary headings of my USB file system for me, destroying all data.

For reliable and secure PC work, you should work in a Faraday cage. Use a laptop or PC and never connect this box to the Internet, unless using the very most secure protocols such as SSH under chrooted environment (as mentioned above). Never surf the web with this system, and, if you are in my situation, you must take it with you everywhere that you go. You will need to purchase a good quality back pack and a lightweight laptop. Buy quality, but do not make it look too flashy otherwise street thieves may be attracted to it. Also, make sure there is good padding around your laptop.

There are many others doing research and work in each of the aforementioned areas that far exceeds my functional know-how. You should consult with them for greater details. I offer the information primarily to set you off in the right direction and to enlighten. Besides informing other suppressed and abused citizens, I hope to gain the assistance of commercial providers, such as BIOS manufacturers, so that we may begin to better work together to build more secure Internet things. BIOS memory makers: make me an on/off switchable solder-on memory module with common pin arrangements. I am sure that many others would appreciate such an invention. Law makers: MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO HACK OUR COMPUTERS WITHOUT A WARRANT.

Based on your own needs and situation you will have to adapt yourself accordingly. I hope that the forgoing information is helpful and good luck to us all defeating the enemies of freedom and democracy. Together, we shall prevail.

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