MEXICO: We must now halt the advance of the American lead pretext for invasion of our nation

Americans must not be manipulated into an unwanted invasion of their neighbor.

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Politics
Posted: 26 May 2023

Americans must not be manipulated into an unwanted invasion of their neighbor.

Persons such as myself, as of 10 years ago, Elon Musk and others have escaped from the control of clandestine agencies within the United States government, and are using Mexico as a safe location to base our business operations and lives, we share a vested interest in not allowing Americans to be manipulated into invading Mexico.

Currently, there is an effort by several American oligarchy leaders to develop a pretext to extend reach into the already heavily influenced United Mexican States, ergo, the sovereign nation of Mexico. This may occur in the form of unilateral drug interdiction attacks by the US military without the authorization of the central government of this nation. The US military could potentially enter Mexico without permission and, in so doing, invade their neighbor state to great detriment to this country.

An invasion of Mexico is an evil plan that was begun long ago, and, already, many local governments have been subverted. I live in Hermosillo and the Metamoros police station in downtown Hermosillo is controlled by employes of the American CIA. Daniel Greenough, a CIA/NSA operative who I actually met in Texas in 2009, exherts heavy influence upon this police station and a number of local drug dealers who are managed by Ernesto Martinez who lives at 120 Calle Marsella in colonia El Malecón. Some of the Americans working beneath Daniel Greenough consist of William Skidmore (American convicted murderer), Graham Preseley (American convicted murderer) and Jack Hollywood (American convicted drug dealer and father to convicted murderer Jessee James Hollywood). They control the local municipal police and now they have infiltrated PEI, the state police force of Sonora. There are additional local families involved who have political ties to the state government of Sonora.

Their control is nearly absolute on a local level. This constitutes an invasion of Mexico which justifies the use of the Mexican military to regain control of the city of Hermosillo. Ernesto Martinez, William Skidmore, Daniel Greenough and others were used by George W. Bush and other American oligarchs to murder my friend and business partner Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna on 16 November in 2017. The murder of this prominent local citizen has never been investigated or prosecuted.

If the oligarchy of the United States begins to send the military into Mexico, this country will loose its sovereignty, and we will fall under the control of the criminal regime that currently controls the United States of America. The president of Mexico, myself and others will be kidnapped, incarcerated and murdered, at will, by the American oligarchy from that moment forward. This must not be allowed to occur.

I will assist Mexico to maintain its sovereignty in the following capacities:

* Provide technical know-how and new technologies to counter the US lead terrorist threat

* Provide guidance with social media campaigns to disseminate the truth and stamp out the corrupt oligarchs and political leaders of the United States.

* Support the removal of the American CIA from local and State governments in Mexico

Technical Support

I propose to develop a border zone that incorporates anti aircraft protections controlled from a stealth satellite that we build and launch from within Mexico. This satellite shall incorporate a new stealth technology that I shall provide at no cost to the country of Mexico. With this new technology we can silently take control of American drones, disable their munitions and return them safely to their base of origin should American military leaders such as Mark Milley and others decide to move against us. We can use the data collected to post on social media and destroy the careers of the corrupt politicians and military leaders who plan and execute these operations, creating a deterrent from all such future actions.

I propose that we develop a border cross database that tracks every entry and exit to and from Mexico with an identification system.

I propose that we develop a community based group that prosecutes corrupt local politicians and police, freeing Mexico from the cruel and viscous CIA control.

I propose that we develop and install a multi-static radar system that encircles Mexico to track any aircraft that may employ the now obsolete American stealth technology (which I invented when I was 10 years old).

The drugs are passed to the United States and the drug dealers here and in the United States are controlled by the Americans. We know "The War On Drugs" was invented as a pretext to promote violence and eliminate competition to the US authorized American drug dealers, including Bush and others.

Let us now work together and stop the United States from turning Mexico into the next Afghanistan. As the country is already under CIA control, they will continue to control drug trafficking and develop more and more violence until they can justify to the dumb and gullible masses that "a Mexico invasion is inevitable."

Together, we will halt this invasion effort and maintain the sovereign border of our great nation of Mexico.

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