George W. Bush has profited immensely by his Afghanistan conflict inspired extravaganza. The useless 20 year war in Afghanistan has driven his offshore bank accounts to ever higher heights as the American tax payers have uploaded extraordinary funds

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Politics
Posted: 25 February 2023

George W. Bush has profited immensely by his Afghanistan conflict inspired extravaganza. The useless 20 year war in Afghanistan has driven his offshore bank accounts to ever higher heights as the American tax payers have uploaded extraordinary funds to his overflowing coffers. There is now more American held wealth offshore than at any time in history and most of it is held by this "ex president".

Mr. Bush now uses this money to further levitate his powers and ambitions. Feeling perhaps a bit slighted by this breakdown in his income stream, ergo loosing his Afghanistan cash cow, Mr. Bush has orchestrated a world conflict beginning in Ukraine. This new war will allow he and his regime of Texas cronies to continue to let the good times roll.

Americans, look forward to higher taxes, ever increasing threats to your security and sending your children off to die. A simple gallows set up in a quiet town square, a speedy/fair trial and sudden stop could put an end to this mad charade that has the whole world laughing at the silly Americans.

Speak the truth. The truth is not a dirty word today, yesterday or any other day.

What is truth?

The truth is simple. The truth is complete. The truth compels the authentic understanding of a given circumstance without distortion or bias.

The truth guides us to higher understandings.

The truth shall unite us and set us free from ignorance and suppression. The truth is the enemy of evil for it lights the scene for all to see, illuminated by the light from above, which is inside us all.

Anyone who forbids the truth or slanders the truth is devious. The good and the divine fear not the truth.

When the good man fears the truth a tyranny has swept over the land and taken hold. Good men should never fear the truth, nor should they tolerate witnessing other good men being overshadowed by tyrants who forbid the truth unless divine justification allows.

We are all free, and we are all light. To speak the truth is divine and to know the truth is divine and to spread the truth is divine.

Without truth we are alone, and with truth we are as one. Without truth there is chaos and tyranny, and with truth there is order and justice. Without truth there is inequity, and with truth there is equitable balance. Without truth hatred festers and grows, and with the truth we share love and unity. Without truth we are divided and with truth we are united.

Truth is love, truth is sacred and truth is source. Truth guides us in our evolution, pulling us along to the next, and the next and the next level in our ascension towards being one again.

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