Who Murdered Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna?

Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna generously assisted ME Williamson and was subsequently murdered by the American Olygarchy

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Politics
Posted: 10 August 2022

I first met my friend, Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna, at a birthday celebration in Hermosillo where I was playing the violin. I played the song Happy Birthday to the wife of our mutual friend who’s house we were visiting for the birthday party. Later that evening, someone introduced me to Gonsalo and our very first conversation quickly turned to business, an area of life where we were both very passionate and committed. We also struck a cord in the area of solar power and alternative energy. I told him that I had invented a new solar panel, and I was looking for backers to build my invention, perhaps in Hermosillo.

The following week I took a ride out to Gonsalo’s factory to meet his partner and discuss a joint venture to build my solar panel using their factory and the other resources that they had available. Not long after that we signed a letter of intent, then contracts and then work began, all in succession, practically all in the same month.

I found it very easy to work with my new friend. He was congenial, trusting, hard working and had a lot of friends and family who loved him very much. I recreated the work that I had done the previous year in Mexico, that is I built a mold and made fiberglass prototypes of my solar panel invention. We also 3D printed it. This was very useful for meeting with investors and netted a great deal of support from the community.

We gained enough venture capital to have an injection mold built and then began building prototypes of my invention. It was extremely gratifying and things were moving rapidly. I think this was because we were just somehow in sync with each other, trading ideas, tracking down assistance, making things happen, everything just seemed to flow so easily in my working with Gonsalo. He also showed me two things that I had never really experienced having in my life, a partner that I really felt comfortable with and someone who really believed in me, enough to see things through to completion.

We would disagree periodically, we had occasional difficulties, but we were able to always work things out. He had his personal life, his family, his other businesses. These were mostly kept away from me, and I did not really care. I was very busy building our new company. It took all my time, and I worked very long hours for four solid years.

In less than 5 years SolarSnap had risen to a local business of significance with over 20 employees, real estate, investors, government support, a store and a prototype factory. I planned to open at least 2 stores per year, and had already built a tooling shop to fabricate the manufacturing tools that would tool our new megawatt factory. We opened the store and netted solid profits in our fist few years of sales.

One day in early October of 2017 I noticed that Gonsalo was looking very tired. I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he was not sleeping very well. I asked him several other questions about his life and circumstances and quickly concluded that he had become a target of the United States regime who had been my reason for leaving my home country several years earlier. I became very concerned about him. I contacted his wife and tried to warn her that I was seeing trouble brewing for her husband. She never responded. He texted me a few times in the middle of the night. We would chat. He explained that he was now having terrible insomnia. I read between the lines and recognized the all too familiar signs that he was being stalked and menaced by the United States regime. I was becoming more frustrated and worried each day. My warnings had no effect and had fallen on def ears with his family.

A few weeks later, I took Gonsalo aside and asked that he consider working less at his other business, and to join me, working in the new building and the private office that I had just built for him. He seemed hopeful that morning and jovial as always. He was still having trouble sleeping so I gave him some mild sleeping pills to help him get some quality sleep.

The following day I was at the downtown Hermosillo store and a local radio station was doing a live broadcast. There was loud music and the DJ was broadcasting from inside the store. One of my employees came running up to me and told me that Gonsalo had just died of a heart attack. I was tragedy struck harder than I have ever been in my entire life. This became the worst day of my life.

Apparently, he was found hanging in his mother’s car port. At first I was told by my employee that Gonsalo had died of a heart attack. I did not believe that when I heard it. I already knew that he was in trouble, I had spoke about my concerns for his safety to many. I just thought that we had more time to figure out a solution.

Someone, somewhere had made a decision to interrupt my new company. Gonsalo’s death, no matter what the official cause, was merely a part of that decision. Gonsalo was the single biggest obstacles in the way of our company and myself failing. By murdering him, I could be made more controllable and kept alive by the Americans who had depended upon me for many years. They still hold out hope of returning me to my former country to serve them.

Why do I believe that Gonsalo was murdered?

I knew that he was in big trouble several weeks prior to his death. At the moment that I was notified of his death I knew right away that he had been murdered by Americans. One would have to have lived my life and experienced what I have experienced in order to understand what that means. After only a cursory examination of the physical evidence and circumstances this presumption becomes much more apparent.

Number one, the noose around my friend’s neck was a cable not a rope. People don’t usually hang themselves with cables which would be extremely painful. Ropes are much more commonly used. A cable around your own neck would be a very painful way to die. Far stranger than that circumstance, was the cable was secured with cable clamps ON THE BACK of his neck. Anyone who has worked with cable clamps knows that they are tricky to tighten. Installing them on the BACK of one’s neck would be very difficult. There were two cable clamps, and the cable was very tight. This would be very difficult to assemble on your own body behind your own head, and Gonsalo was not a tool person. He was not what I would call a craftsman and did very little if any shop work. This method alone does not fit him, especially when considering the multitudes of ropes available practically everywhere at both of his businesses. Solar companies have boxes of various sizes and styles of ropes in many locations.

Number two, he did not die in his own house. This site was likely chosen because his home is in a gated community. The place where he died was not gated and had no security guards or cameras. People could easily come and go and not be noticed.

Number three, he was cremated in less than 35 hours of his death. This was likely an act of evidence destruction. They tried to murder me in this manner in Texas on two different occasions. Gonsalo was likely cornered by the killers, attacked, perhaps strangulated and then hung by the aforementioned cable. The forensics photos that I reviewed showed an unusually tight cable around his neck. Perhaps the killers were attempting to hide strangulation marks with a very tight cable. Also, when I saw his body at the funeral parlor it looked as if his neck had been broken by his posture. An xray might have revealed other major traumas or broken bones. None of the forensics photos showed his neck without the cable. Why? Perhaps there was evidence of trauma in that region. Mexican police exclude evidence that does not tell a story in the manner in which they are paid to tell it, and are very brazen in this manner.

Number four, I believed before his death that he was being intentionally sleep deprived. This was done to me in Texas just before someone tried to hang me in the creek bed behind my home in the aforementioned manner. This fits exactly with their modus operandi, and I KNEW THIS AND ANNOUNCED IT TO MANY IN THE DAYS BEFORE HIS DEATH. This same method was has been employed against 911 witness Deborah Jeane Palfrey and perhaps thousands of others to keep a lid on the truth of the crimes of the oligarchs.

This question: “How did I know before he died that he was in trouble and that something bad was probably about to happen to him?” This was not a long standing concern that I had, but one that had developed in just the month before he died. This should be evidence enough to cause speculation and inquiry.

Number five, this final indicator means far more to me than it likely would to anyone else: everyone blamed me. I was the second most talked about subject at the funeral, which was massive. There were hundreds of people there. I showed up at my friend’s funeral, dumbfounded, frazzled and with an overpriced floral wreath that I had quickly bought across the street. I had endured 24 hours of sheer hell. The impact of my friend’s death was devastating to me personally and professionally. There were so many unfinished items that we were both connected to in our lives. It was an impossible tangle that would take years to sort out. Yet, as I entered the funeral hall, I was approached by friends and warned that I would not be allowed to enter the main sanctuary, where the body was on display. Orders of the widow.

It was my fault that I had been such a demanding business partner. It was my fault that I had demanded stricter financial controls. It was my fault that I had demanded accountability for the company of which I was the chief. Chatter was all about. It was Mark’s fault that Gonsalo had killed himself. This was too quick, coordinated and absolute. Someone had planned this. These are the same people who have committed terrible crimes against members of their own country and committed the most epic frauds in history. They have employed these methods for decades. They always have their story ready to go in advance of pulling the trigger, for the dumb and gullible masses, who are so easily mislead.

My crew stood by me, however. They knew the truth and were mistrustful of the circumstance and many inconsistencies. No one that really mattered to me personally or professionally blamed me. Eventually, the truth rains down and the lies wash away, for everyone to behold. You can feel the truth.

There are dozens of small details that I noticed also. My factory tape measures were all stolen from the installation, less than one week after his death. Someone had entered my company, visited the many work stations and removed all of the tape measures from all the various work locations within the buildings. In all, perhaps 20 tape measures disappeared. Nothing else seemed to be missing. Why, was this done? I think I know why. In all the building and constructing that I had done: my store, the pilot factory, the office complex, the laboratory, the tooling shop, my home, I often carried with me a tape measure on my right hip. It signified to me the building of something great as the constant measures were done to confirm the structures of my growing organization and the future of our company. Perhaps they saw it as a symbol of my confidence and pride at the building of my new company. That is why they stole all my tape measures, to deflate me and to send me a message that only I would understand, that I could not possibly report to the police without sounding a bit crazy. They had decided to end our company and the erosion of my will to continue building had been calculated into their efficient formula, to overwhelm and crush me emotionally. To them we are mere slaves, to be tossed about, used and destroyed at will.

After the death of my dear friend, I did manage to weave my way through the problems and eventually clarified business matters, maintaining control of the major properties, but it was an arduous and difficult task.

Who actually murdered my friend?

I probably know at least some of the person(s) who murdered Gonsalo. There is a team that tracks everything that I do that cavorts with the drug dealers who live on Calle Marselle, #120, near downtown Hermosillo (the home of this address had been blurred out on Google maps). The assassination was likely committed by a pair of actors. One or both of the two contractors that I had dealt with in Texas were probably involved, as they had brought me to Texas in 2009, and then followed me to Mexico in 2011.

These are the names of the people who probably directly participated in the execution of Mr. Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna: Ernesto Marinez, Abraham Greenough, Daniel Greenough, William Skidmore, Grahm Presely and two who’s names I have never been able to get. One might be named Jeremy. With the exception of Mr. Martinez, these are all Americans. They should be prosecuted and imprisoned for the murder of my friend.

I am sorry that I could not save you from death, my dear friend. I believe in re-incarnation, and I believe in God. I think that we will meet again, and I will be honored to be your friend, as always. The wicked will be punished and balance in our universe maintained. God sees to that, and I trust you, God.

Will they say that I am crazy? Of course! I am paranoid delusional (their favorite catch phrase, to marginalizing their enemies), they will laughingly spew, as they move their money between international banks and revel in their mountains of money. This only works, however, when a small minority of the population knows about their tricks and their ways, and I think that the tipping point has finally been reached.

I have had very few real friends in this lifetime. I have known many people who have loved me, but I think that I could count the number of real friends on one hand. Gonsalo was one such friend and the first person with whom I felt that I could build great things.

Tyrants come and go. These tyrants of the Americas will see God's judgement. I pray that we shall all rise up someday and defeat them together.


I filed an amparo (a Mexican federal injunction) against the police of Sonora and posted the portion detailing the execution of Gonsalo here.

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