Who Was I?

Besides problem solving I have, for as long as I can remember, had the ability to look at a person and see into their past lives.

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Religion
Posted: 22 February 2023

See my research on gravity control at the following url:


Besides problem solving I have, for as long as I can remember, had the ability to look at a person and see into their past lives. I don't fully understand how it works, but I have had this ability since childhood. I will now recount some of my observations as such and explore this topic of past lives.

First of all, for all those who question the existence of reincarnation and past lives, I have researched the topic and have concluded that people really do live multiple times and have additional lives. This is well documented on the Internet and if one explores the topic they will quickly realize that many believe that we do return over and over again. Feel free to Duck Duck, Google, etc and hunt elsewhere for information on the subject. Anyone should be able to locate information and learn about the many well documented cases and credible reports of those who were able to describe their past lives with uncanny accuracy.

Who is living here now that you might know?

Nicola Tesla, George Washington, Nepolean Bonapart, Mozart, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Leonhard Euhler and Charlie Chaplin just to name a few. These people are all alive and living similar lives as they have lived in the past. We all change slowly, but from one life to the next, perhaps not much. We display many of the same tendencies, draw near to the same people and create and build where we excel the most in life. We are both imprinted upon and imprint upon our unique pattern in society, much like a fingerprint.

Who is Nicola Tesla?

The first thing that I want to say about this person, who is also first on my list is, HOW CAN OTHERS NOT SEE THIS! He built a car with his own name, is a brilliant marketer and really knows how to wow the crowd with interesting and exciting technology displays. Yes, Elon, of course (seems rather obvious)! His creativity and inventive nature makes him a fascinating study subject. He builds wild machines and drives himself forward in life with his contagious and mad passion that is brilliant and just plain fun to watch. He was also a Japanese emperor in yet another prior incantation.

Who is Mozart?

This one may not be so obvious, but it is to me. Wolfgang is the female comedian Kristen Wig. How could anyone not enjoy her stunning staccato-like wit which she expresses with her dazzling and relentless energy. She paints inspiring and brilliant pictures in her acting and comedy much like she did as the musical legend. She shocks us with her revealing humor and is relentless in her assault upon the entrenched hypocrisy as she stirs up and blows away the clouds in our minds.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?

I hope that I don't get in trouble for this one, so I won't say too much. George W. Bush was the conqueror and leader from France. He displays many of the same tendencies that he also did as Alexander the Great, who he also was in yet another incantation of this noteworthy historical person. He knows this about himself because I told him when I was living in Texas in 2010. Right now he is in the retirement/exile phase of his life, which he sometimes reaches if no one poisons him. (Subsequent to this disclosure the Nepolean Wikipedia page became quite colorful and LENGTHY)

Who is Henry Ford?

Well, he was me. I was Henry Ford. I am perhaps a bit boring at times, but I like to do things right, if that is even possible. I built SolarSnap with the same passion and drive that I used to build the Ford Motor company. My son Edsel is here, alive and well. He is not my son in this life, and hopefully, his identity shall remain a secret. He still smokes in the house and pretty much lives to party. I think that he has the same friends too, as they are often conspiring together planning their next party event. Unfortunately, my former wife passed away. Clara Bryant was my now late business partner Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna. Gonsalo was much the same in his recent life as he was when we were husband and wife, when I was Henry. They both always believed in me and inspired others around me into action and supporting my crazy ideas. I was born in this life with an innate ability to make business with anyone, anywhere. At age 7, I was busted by the yard patrol at Valmonte Elementary school for hiding behind the sand box and selling small rubber creatures to my classmates off of a wooden display of my own fabrication. Apparently, the elementary school patrol was tipped off when the children were discovered to be misappropriating their own lunch money to buy my wares (that doesn't really seem like my fault, does it?). Anyway, the profits were simply capital. I was also, in other lives, a few political leaders, a religious leader, and I was Sir Isaac Newton. I was also a wicked little thief, in a place somewhere like London, perhaps akin to an Oliver Twist.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?

I think that this one may draw some controversy, but, this man always seems to live in the eye of the storm and to be at the center of the biggest controversy, while somehow getting away with screaming up yours over the in-sensitivities of the wealthy and the entrenched establishment. Revolution seems to be his middle name. Anyway, Alex Jones, like it, or lump it, you were Benjamin Franklin. Sorry to front you off like this. You are on my heroes list, so I hope that this information somehow contributes to you.

Who is actor, comedian Charlie Chaplin?

You may not have heard of her, yet, but I bet you will someday. He is a she and named Molly Garcia. She has a Youtube channel, and I think she cavorts and makes her videos with the same members she knew back in her Vaudeville Troupe days. She is a hoot, as always, hypnotizing the police and then hiding from them in plain sight, then piercing our boundaries into the shameful and the unthinkable, while committing a nonstop string of petty and hilarious infractions, living in a never ending state of homelessness. From her first movie gig in "Golden Shower" to her mosh pit party with a punk band in their shared living room home space, leading to a neck fracture, they will get anyone laughing. Yet, when she and her troupe speaks, there is that same feeling of disquieting shock in hearing their voices for the first time, like Youtube has become their new "talkie" technology. Maybe that was just me. Anyway, their antics and physical satire still don’t require much sound to get the point across. I think they will adapt to sound.

Who is mathematician Leonhard Euhler?

Leonhard Euhler (pronounced oil-er) was borne in Swistzerland in the 18th century and is considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians in history. He is credited with helping to build the foundations of calculus including the infinitesimal and the function. Today he hosts a Youtube channel called 3blue1brown and is named Grant Sanderson. Grant presents mathematics using a very distinct visual perspective which he calls "inventing math". This is consistent with his history of having actually invented much of modern mathematics.

Who is George Washington?

Ron Paul now considers himself to be a libertarian in this lifetime, while leading an effort against the never ending hypocrisy of the oligarchs. His professional and diplomatic style never seems to offend anyone while he charges into the abyss with exemplary bravery and determination just like he did when he was our founding father and the first president of the United States. This man is the quintessence of a great leader.

If you are any of these people and are surprised by this information, I suggest that you research the historical figure that I have claimed was you and look for similarities between yourself and the other mentioned individual (I have been wrong a few times, but I am pretty sure about this list). I bet that you will find many hobbies, life style choices and traits in common. If you were someone famous and I mentioned this to you personally already, and you are not currently famous in this lifetime, don’t worry, I will refrain from embarrassing anyone (unless you become famous again).

This list comprises just a few people that I have observed. If you like this sort of information and want more, I have plenty more people and experiences to talk about. I hope to hear your comments when I add commenting to my website.

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