I Present: Gravity Control

With the Mexican circus trial against me rapidly approaching, for having done absolutely nothing wrong except refusing to assist an expresident, I resolved to find and solve the impossible problem!

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Physics
Posted: 11 June 2023

Gavity Control, Defintion:

The ability to manipulate energies within the gravity realm as described in Flow Theory. The ability to effect these energies to accomplish any of the following: enhance the gravimetric field surrounding a physical body; generate thrust through compression of said energy; or bend or distort the time energy field surrounding a physical body thereby changing its time velocity.

As I had written about in the posting Dear United States, I had been raised, without my parents knowledge, to assist my government in solving impacted, difficult problems that appeared to be without a solution. I solved many problems for very little reward, while being bullied and pushed around. I was told where to live and how to live for the better part of my life. I then escaped from this lifetime of servitude beneath the oligarchy of the United States, and moved to start my life again in Mexico. With hardly any Spanish, I then invented a new solar panel and raised $2 million in venture capital to develop the enterprise while living in my new country. My partner and good friend Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna was subsequently murdered and my new company fell under a relentless attack. I was then set up and falsely accused of stealing my own solar panels during my own installation. It was while fighting this false criminal accusation that I stumbled upon one of the most amazing discoveries in human history.

I had just retreated back to the safety of my factory compound in the Industrial Park of Hermosillo. Surrounded by the tall walls and custom security system, I felt the safety of being enclosed and far away from the city center. I wanted so much to stay alive and free! There were so many things that I still wanted to do in my life. I knew that there was so more ahead for me in this world, with my people and my family. I had managed to escape from the United States of America, the strongest and most covertly militant nation on the planet. Right under their noses, I had built a multimillion dollar startup company in less than five years using my ideas and my inventions. But I could not shake this threat that had followed me for my entire life. I was, however, outside of their direct control. The fidelity of their systems is diminished in Mexico. There are no fusion centers, Homeland security offices and the police were not in their pockets in the same hyper controlled way that they are back in the homeland. The tentacles of the police state grow thin south of the border, and they had proven to be far less effective in Mexico at keeping under control their favorite idea slave. I had proved this to myself by building SolarSnap. I felt freer in Mexico, like a man could have a fighting chance here, to escape. The "honest corruption" in this Latin American country seems so comparatively transparent and simple. I had managed to stay out of their reach.

I recalled crossing that border when I had first arrived in Mexico, and looking out across that desert, with the empire fading in the rear view. Yes, I had gotten out in the open. Maybe it was time to really stretch my legs.

Cheetah Speeds!

"That's it!" I thought to myself, I would find the perfect impossible problem. It would be the problem that, if I said, "I will solve this problem!" people would burst out laughing at me. With the trial rapidly approaching and facing the potential of 10 years behind bars in a Mexican prison, but unwilling to run away again, I resolved to find this impossible problem. I would find it. I would solve it. I would prove it, and I would present it to the world.

I looked around frantically on the Internet, searching for something, an idea, a method, an invention that would change the world. I noted that people were going on and on about this man, Elon Musk, especially on Youtube. I saw that Elon was speaking about his wild dream of building a rocket and a civilization on Mars. What a nut. Awesome!, I thought to myself.

My initial gut reaction was that Mr. Musk was perhaps being a bit foolishly optimistic for even trying: what about high speed spacecraft collisions with debris; what about the astronaut's gravity en route to the planet; what about a livable, correct 1g gravity when you get there; what about the awesome thrust generation to travel between Earth and Mars in just a few hours instead of 6 months; what about rocket pollution everywhere which must create a terrible debris field; and what about cosmic radiation shielding? Yet, he seemed relentless. I realize that most of these things are likely out of reach for humankind for at least another century, but maybe I could help speed things along. I decided that I would finally unravel physics, develop systems of gravity control and perhaps systems to shield against debris collisions and protect the travelers from cosmic rays. First, I would solve gravity. That is the problem that I decided to go after.

Upon initial examination, this looked more difficult and daunting then any other challenge that I had ever faced. I do not really consider myself a physics expert, and I am not exactly a math wiz. If the "smartest man" who ever lived, Albert Einstein, could not figure these things out, this would be very tough, indeed. I got to work in about June of 2019. It took me two solid months of pouring over all available information that I could find, examining Einstein and QM theories of gravity, magnetism, electricity and time in an attempt to figure out what may be missing from theoretical physics in order to develop any sort of gravity control systems. Surprisingly, upon examination, I noted that Einstien's papers were riddled with errors and omissions. I had a hunch this might yield something useful.

Then one day while working at my desk in my laboratory I had an epiphany. I had just watched an orange roll off my desk and hit the floor. I thought to myself, maybe gravity was invisible because it is not really here. Obviously, gravity exists. It must exist somewhere. QM says that it should be a super tiny and energetic particle called the graviton. That really did not make sense to me because gravity is absolute and projects linearily in all directions to all points everywhere. Such a mass that was comprised with gravitons would then loose energy and mass if such were the case. This one major theoretical issue seemed too intractable to reconcile in order to develop a true or real model to conceptualize gravity. Therefore, gravity must exist elsewhere, in some other context rather than as any part of the matter of our universe.

It was at that moment that I began wondering, what if gravity were perhaps in a different realm other than our own physical realm? Maybe there is another realm, like a place that is here but not here, that has its own laws, materials and construction. And what if that place contained inherent connections between our physical realm and that other realm, like a gravity realm? What if gravity exists as a real thing, just somewhere else, but connected to here. Since then I have concluded that our universe is actually comprised of multiple realms that are distinct domains of existence that link together in specific ways that are not absolute or entire in their connections.

Further, I went on to question the nature of reality and other underlying assumptions of modern physics. I asked myself a series of questions and then offered theoretical conjectures for each within a new theoretical framework that I developed in the summer of the year 2019, Flow Theory. How does time come into existence? Where is electrical energy located and how does magnetism come about? How does this universe that we live and breath inside of fit together and function? It was then that I developed the multi realm conjecture that was the beginning of what turned out to be Flow Theory.

I posted my new theory at various locations on the Internet, including Research Gate. I have searched fairly extensively and feel that this theory is unique and the only one like it. I now feel that, for the first time in human history, we may glimpse a correct understanding of atomic construction that is accurately inclusive of gravity, time, and electromagnetism. This theory, as it must, encompasses all three. Now you may discover for yourself, for the first time, the true source of magnetism: MAGNETISM: ELECTRICITY INTERPLAY BETWEEN BODIES IN TWO REALMS. Magnetism is covariant to gravity in that it also arises from "like attraction", however, its related attractive force is between energies that are in motion, ergo two electrical fields. This motion accounts for the repulsive effect within electromagnetics from flow collisions. Except for their same base attractive force arising from like attraction, there is no physical relationship between gravity and electromagnetism. Gravity is caused by like attraction between protonic energy and develops within its own realm. Both share connection with the physical realm where we draw our direct experience. There is a small gravimetric effect that arises in electrons, but this is not within the domain of electromagnetism. For a more detailed explanation, please read Introduction to Flow Theory.

My new theory, although interesting sounding, particularly to younger physicists, was a stark departure from the math heavy Einstein theories of today. I could not readily find anyone to validate Flow and was challenged by many educated minds, so I returned to my shop to build a device that would prove my new theoretical model. I would then go on to build a machine that would use what I had theorized and named te, time energy space, to generate propulsive thrust in a vacuum and to also bend time as these are both connected materials in respective, secondary realms. The physical realm is the realm of our felt or experienced presence. In late 2019, I began building this machine and named it the HyperDrive, which I thought might be employed as a space propulsion system.

I left the office of my theoretical physics development and went to work in my large and hauntingly empty solar energy facility. I used the now idle tooling shop connected to the factory and worked diligently for six straight months. Finally, at the end of February in the year 2020, I had an assembled unit ready to test. I then put together a test apparatus using an extra CnC table and was ready to begin the first test of the HyperDrive. Due to the design of the selected test apparatus, I had to rotate the HyperDrive into a horizontal position. I started up the HyperDrive and immediately noticed that it sounded terrible. Instead of the smooth sounding revolutions it made a terrible gurgling sound. Then the drive shaft suddenly broke and it immediately stopped.

Test results here:
HyperDrive first test. Broken drive shaft.

I disassembled the HyperDrive and replaced the drive shaft to test again. It made the same sound, so I immediately halted the second test before it could break again. This was a strange result: it would run just fine standing upright, but would develop a very strange behavior while running on its side. I decided to simply place the unit on a spring scale and give it a quick test. Perhaps there was something with the gravity of Earth and that running such a machine on its side caused this sort of behavior? Running it on the spring scale, in an upright position, miraculously it appeared to work! In the first successful test on 6 March 2020, it seemed to be moving the needle of my floor scale downward as it was creating thrust upward. I posted a video and test results here. I then conducted a few more tests and filed a provisional patent, a few weeks later, 27 March 2020. At this time the aforementioned criminal case against myself and my girlfriend was marching ever forward and was scheduled for trial on June 10th of that year.

As this first model had been hastily built, it ended up breaking several times within the first two months of testing. Some other tests posted here: LV2: Test at C&H, motor malfunction

I was running out of time! It was already April and the trial was scheduled for a few short months from now. Then, covid-19 hit planet Earth. Like a hurricane it overtook our world. People began to die like we had never seen before in our lifetimes. This had the positive net effect of shutting down much of our governmental functions. Luxuries, like sending innocent people to jail on behalf of wealthy benefactors, would be postponed. The legal proceedings against us were held up until further notice. Our trial and the fraudulent case against us came to grinding halt!

It was at this time, however, that George W. Bush took notice of my strategy to survive and escape his control. Through his network he had noted merit in my theories and overall strategy. He then took an intense interest in my gravity control technology and began probing for methods to steal it and build my invention. Particularly, apparently, he liked my plans to perhaps work with Mr. Musk. He then involved himself in SpaceX.

I would not know this for some months later, but George had decided that he would be the gravity hero, just like he was the hero against "the terrorists" after 911. The most prolific stalker and murderer of our people, of my friends and my family, would not only thwart my plan to escape, he would profit by it!

According to my sources and observations, he had purchased "the rights" to steal my invention by using tools and access available to US government workers. As he often does, he then bought up company stock in one or more relevant industries, including SpaceX, to illegally harvest my patent pending technologies (he exercised a very similar tactic with 911 and the Carslyle Group when he bought military stock while developing this major war).

I continued working and rebuilt the HyperDrive to make improvements in the efficiency, reliability as well as overall design. It was then, on the 16th of October in the year 2020, that I had one of the greatest accidents in human history: I discovered how to make gravity. While developing a shielding system against the exhaust of the HyperDrive to protect the electric motor, I accidentally discovered that I could generate gravity. For the first time in human history, we can now change the gravity of any object! It was also discovered that I could bend time through a similar process.

I followed up with two additional patent filings. When I finally developed enough of this technology and filed sufficient legal protections, it was already the summer of 2021. I was suffering greatly as the pressure to limit any possible pathway of financial advance and survival was consistently blocked by what appears to be a team living and working in Hermosillo and the United States that monitors and attempts to control nearly every aspect of my life. The full power of the intelligence apparatus was being used to monitor every phone call and track every relationship in my circle. I bet they even know how much money is in my wallet! Fortunately, as I am living and working in the same location which is a large property in a remote location and reasonably secure, I have some buffer against these affronts to civilized living in a world of extreme high surveillance. I had built this place knowing that someday this war would probably come.

I would later learn of the extraordinary investment that George had made to steal from me and was now working at this very moment in Texas with Elon Musk, before we notified him of such, to develop the SpaceX company as his spawning enterprise to steal and deploy gravity control, further entrenching our world beneath the new emerging king and trillionaire Bush family oligarchy in the Americas.

While billions were being waived around and spent in response to what I had conjured through my own inventiveness, I was slowly being murdered through starvation in an attempt to deprive me of my right to patent and be fairly compensated for what I had invented.

I knew now that this was the time to go public with my discovery. After two years of solid research and development and 3 patent filings, at long last I would come forward and share my invention with the world. It was now or never! I would tell everyone that we could make our own gravity and that humankind has had a breakthrough in space travel propulsion. With HyperDrive you will literally be able to solar power your way to Mars and beyond! I had stretched my legs, I had reached for the stars, so of course this must be shared on the Internet, the great interweb! I then located an interesting domain name: flowatom.com. The following day at 2021-08-21T15:08:28Z, someone else registered this domain name and a few weeks later put up this website:

If you look closely, the logo has the Rutherford atom, "electrons", encircling it. This implies atomic properties which exist in no other science where the word "Flow" is a part of the title except Flow Theory. The screen with the club and the rope imply AND THREATEN torture, kidnap and murder.

Are we to infer, George and Bill, that you shall be coming soon to abduct, torture and murder ME Williamson? I feel strongly that a successful investigation into the origins of this domain registration, through GoDaddy, will lead one directly to George W. Bush and William Gates. My fame, instantaneous or otherwise, is an existentialist threat to these two robber barons.

Although potentially threatening to me personally, this domain squatting event was no surprise to me. I was expecting some sort of resistance. Like I have done my entire life, I get slapped and I get hit, but I get up and I keep going. I continued now to share my research on ResearchGate, and I plan to share this new science with everyone. I am inviting people to come here to my factory in the north of Mexico and witness the HyperDrive and sharing the results using the HyperTest web functions that I built into the website at hyperdrive.works. Also, I plan to post all of my technical papers and writings about Flow at the alternative domain name, flowatom.science.

It is now 2023, and Elon Musk has left Texas, fleeing the United States of America, likely under duress. He fled the country to escape threats to his personal safety in his private jet on 25 February 2023 with his family and took the shortest route across the gulf of Yucatan, likely fearing shoot-down of his aircraft. Thankfully, he was able to land safely in Merida Mexico as indicated by flight records available here, Musk Jet Flight Records for N628TS If that link is broken or deleted, records are available at airportinfo.live (search jet registry N628TS) and here. [UPDATE NOVEMBER 2023: ALL RECORDS OF THIS FLIGHT HAVE VANISHED AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS MADE NEW LAWS TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO TRACK PRIVATE JETS - THEY HACKED THE RECORDS AND MADE IT ILLEGAL TO EVEN SEEK THEM!]

I wrote about the flight of Mr. Musk in light of these revelations in this posting titled, Elon Musk Travels in His Jet to Merida Mexico Amid Gravity Control Controversy, which I posted on my mother's birthday, March 9th of this year. Mr. Musk went quickly to work securing a greater manufacturing presence in Mexico, announcing just three days later on 28 February, to Forbes, Fortune and others that he is opening a new Tesla plant in Mexico. I believe that he intends to sever ties and distance himself from the former US president after we had contacted and warned him on the 25th.

This technology is for the people, not a few overly-rich families!

In a world run by wealthy elite this technology shall NOT be reserved exclusively for the super rich and the military. If they win and I loose, your children's minds will become a garbage dump for incomplete and erroneous Einstein physics, and we will become a technologically impaired species living within our universe. You will pay extraordinary taxes to your governments to build machines of war, used to fight wars with no valid purpose, except to enslave you and your families.

Together, Let's Rock Physics, Space Travel and A World That Works For Everyone!

The HyperDrive is developing rapidly and updates made available on the company website which is located at hyperdrive.works with a blog and featuring the HyperTest which presents laboratory notes filed with test cases of the prototype HyperDrives. As of the publication date of this article I am hard at work in my shop preparing to present to the world the new HyperDrive, model LV3. Perhaps Mr. Musk and other entrepreneurs will come to Hermosillo and witness a demonstration of this remarkable breakthrough machine, made possible through my recent conjecture and new discoveries in theoretical physics. I invite Mr. Musk and other leaders, scientists and engineers to visit my factory and laboratory.

Thank you for reading!

After scant communications through X with Elon, he has apparently declined the offer from The Network to visit with me in Hermosillo and participate in shaping policy within our new decentralized system. Apparently, the financial pursuits and social media commitments of this billionaire outrank building a better, freer world. Recently, he has been pursuing a $57 billion bonus with his company Tesla based on the unbelievable performance of this car company stock. Wow, that is a pretty big bonus! This performance bonus of Tesla stock was due to the price making a staggering increase from $14 USD per share at the beginning of 2020 (right when I was patenting HyperDrive) to $384 per share (just before The Network contacted him in Texas). Mr. Bush had invested a goodly portion of this 911 blood money he was hording to buy Tesla stock. Since February of last year I am not sure what happened with the feud between Musk and Bush, over Musk pulling back from Texas, but I am confident that neither party wants anything to do with me!

It is likely an embarrassment to Musk and a threat to him receiving his massive performance bonus if he associates with myself and acknowledges the aforementioned debacle, as the share price blasting off was actually based on artificial market pressures in the Tesla stock due to Bush and his personal holding company Black Rock making massive capital infusions in a bold bid to bribe Musk in a conspiracy to help steal the HyperDrive invention. Musk has apparently managed to secure himself personally using the populace as a shield through the X platform and pretty much told everyone involved, "To go f*** yourself!" To date he has done absolutely nothing to assist The Network except to incite the ire of Bush who has sicked his attack dog Trump on invading our country!

Yes, Bush now wants to round up the lot of us, secure mineral rights including newly discovered lithium and better normalize his narco trafficking interests in North America by invading the country of Mexico. We did not ask to be compensated for our assistance to Musk and his family, even though we may have saved his life. Things are even more complicated by the fact that Bush is currently engaged in an intensive effort with Gates to stock me using the Sonora state and local police. I now live in a lock-step police surveillance hell! Go to that link and find out where the police are currently stocking me in Hermosillo, 24/7. Work on the HyperDrive had to be frozen while I work to neutralize this attack upon my freedom and to deploy eCoin against this conspiracy by Bill Gates which now also involves Michael Saylor who are trying to take over Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a technology that was begun with Hal Finney in Santa Barbara back in 2007 by combining my decentralized file system ideas contained now in Blockchain with the cryptographic work of RPOW. We were both fitness runners who worked in the tech industry in Santa Barbara at the time. Saving these emerging decentralized monetary systems at this moment in history has had to take precedence over gravity control research as we will fall into the abyss and all will be lost if we loose control now. You can check out the new decentralized monetary system that I am developing at https://ecoin.news.

Please buy RabbitTrack coin if you would like to support me personally or to lend support in our efforts to build a freer and safer living jurisdiction outside of the US for like minded people here in beautiful, sunny Mexico! We are beefing up security in Mexico with the Good Neighbor Alliance which will begin building the Good Neighbor Fence sometime next year. This should help keep out those pesky American stealth bombers which I know Bush is planning to send next year if his puppet, Donald Trump, gets elected.

Armed with these insights that I have shared and knowing the truth, you can be ahead of the mob by investing in eCoin early and taking advantage of other opportunities. I know a great many people wish that they had invested in Bitcoin back in 2010. Mr. Finney and I were experiencing intense pressure from the American CIA at that moment in time and, sadly, Hal did not survive. By researching the validity of my claims and understanding the underlying dynamics and technologies, you will be in a position to know where to get ahead financially, as much of the future of cryptocurrency has yet to be written. Get involved early with eCoin by becoming a member of the Earthica Society so you can buy and sell on the new eCoin network, called DNA.

DNA stands for Decentralized Network Accounting and is an upgrade to the Bitcoin Blockchain concept, making available a plethora of new systems and ways of transacting in a decentralized world. Soon I will be posting opportunities to get involved in a new concept in decentralized finance called the CryptoStock. If you have followed Bitcoin and NFTs, you will have a sense of just how prolific such a concept as the NFT can be to decentralized finance. Now, imagine buying your favorite company stocks and having it immediately go in a cryptographically secure manner right into your cryptocurrency wallet! With the MyWorld wallet, available now for the smart early adopter you will be able to do just that. Gain access to your free wallet on the DNA mainnet today and get free cryptocurrency at eCoin. There is currently no KYC (Know Your Customer) process, but you will have to agree to an automated face scan in the near future in order to continue using your wallet.

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