My Story and the Origins of Bitcoin, Updated September 2024

Currently, Bill Gates is attempting a worldwide coup over Bitcion using Michale Saylor as his patsy.

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Cryptocurrency
Posted: 14 May 2024

Since the passing of my business partner, Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna, in 2017 I have been under an intensive attack by the American CIA.

Many people reading this might be skeptical or unable to comprehend how this could be the case. I understand how one might feel this way. People who do not know me very well and especially those not aware of the somewhat strange complexities of the various intelligence agencies of the United States would be understandably confused by this allegation. In an effort to better explain this matter, I will attempt to illustrate some of my life and experiences as well as the background pertaining to these circumstances.

When I was just three years old my family volunteered me into a one time brain experiment at UCLA, a major university located in Los Angeles California. During IQ and other tests it was discovered that I was clairvoyant, able to know and see things in inexplicable manners, and a highly intelligent problem solver.

From that moment forward my life would never be the same.

I was asked to solve ever more difficult and complex problems by what I have observed to be an obsessive oligarchy that is the current ruling class of the United States. This ruling class is topped by the super wealthy including now the Bush and Gates families, the Rockefellers and the Soros. It then progresses downward like a pyramid. To them we are all slaves. The elected leaders of the United States are not the most powerful people. The president of the United States is considered to be a property of these people. Since my involvement with the Bush family in 2010 and subsequent departure from the United States this oligarchy has split, dividing into two versions of what I would term to be "shadow governments". The Bush/Gates team controls Donald Trump and the Soros/Rockefeller team controls Biden. This division occurred in the wake of the Occupy Movement which I started with George and top brass of the NSA. Bush, however, never regarded me as an equal and the ugliness of ruler-ship and tyranny by his manner are not the way forward for myself or our world. We, therefore, split in our directions from this moment forward.

I have spent the last 40+ years being kicked around and bullied by these “ruling elite” people who regard me as nothing more than a tool to accomplish their whim and want. On September 11, 2001, while watching those buildings come down, in that egregious display of false flag terror, I decided that I had had enough and began to plan my exit. I would resign from they and their corrupt, unellected government which features monetary and other systems to maintain their status quo as the super wealthy and puppet masters of the citizens of our world.

My departure away from this broken government would have to be put on hold for 10 years while I fought to disentangle myself from these people and their lawfully empowered systems of social control. It was not until December 2007 that the matter really became urgent for me to leave the country. At the time I was working with Santa Barbara venture capitalists to develop a competing operating system to Microsoft Windows. This required that I develop a bridge piece of software that myself and my supporters were calling ideaOS. This bridge would allow for a myriad of competing software developers to make their own operating systems to replace Windows. This was part of a new company venture I was just forming called InfoShare which built upon my fifteen years of running Williamson Software.

Williamson Software 1996

After Bill hacked all of my servers, attacked my investors and customers and drove me out of Santa Barbara he gave my ideas to his company Microsoft and other companies as the de-facto "police of Silicon Valley". Then, working with his friends in the CIA, including George W. Bush, he began to murder my family and friends to attempt to keep me quiet. He also likely participated in the murdered of Hal Finney and, to date, has made five attempts on my life, the most recent in June of 2024. Many people know Bill Gates as an idea thief, Jeffry Epstein regular and the vaccine vampire. Unknown to many, is that is he so desperate for new ideas that he commonly steals them and then actually murders the inventors. He then lies to other business leaders, claiming to have invented things that he has actually stolen, and then uses those leaders as patsies. Currently, he is attempting a worldwide coup over Bitcion using Michale Saylor as his patsy with their joint venture Orange ID.

As part of the many services and assistance that I had given to this false government, call them the Deep State 1, I helped Bill Gates with his fledgling operating system in 1992. The Start button in Windows 95 along with the clean, streamlined interface of this operating system where my ideas. This helped to launch the PC revolution of the mid 1990s.

You may then imagine that Mr. Gates was not so pleased when he learned of my wish to develop ideaOS, under my company InfoShare, and to potentially force his company to have to compete for market share using just his operating system and the dwindling talent pool of Microsoft. He knows that his company would loose in such a scenario because, well, lets face it, Windows is not a very innovative or reliable operating system.

It was in this month, December 2007, that Mr. Gates sent hackers from the American CIA to my town of Santa Barbara to hack my servers, my company and infrastructure. As Gates refers to himself as "The Police" to all top Silicon Valley companies, he feels that it is his prerogative to deploy small armies against individuals using the auspice of the American intelligence agencies. They figured that they would make quick work of myself and my small companies as they usually do whenever Mr. Gates wishes such attacks.

However, in this time of more consolidated power in the shadow government of the Americas, I knew at that Mr. Gates was not at the top of the pyramid. He was little more than a slave a few floors up from me. The real power was sourced from higher up, and this war that I was getting myself into would not end until I could inhibit the faucet of empowerment in the hands of the ruling elite. Money is power, and and the real control flows from the money, the trillions of US dollars in circulation throughout the world. I would cut off their faucet. I must wage the big war with one hand while beating back the minion pawns such as Gates. Fighting only these patsies would never yield a successful or winning strategy. I decided then that fighting only with these other pawns would merely entertain the greatest of the elite, as we seem to live inside of something like an arena where we are pitted against one another in a sort of God’s be entertained non-stop gladiator battle zone. We are fighting with each other when we should be fighting together to build a better system and world. I have decided also that Gates and Bush are UNCONVINCABLE in this matter and will always default to the stupidest of acts in their almost satirical rush for power and money. My observations since have only reinforced this view that William Gates is the king of avarice and kleptomania.

At the time there was a brilliant cryptographer living in Santa Barbara working in the technology community of which I was an integral and well known part. His name was Hal Finney. He had worked with a hero of mine, Phil Zimmerman, in developing PGP which fundamentally changed the possibilities for security and privacy of the individual citizens of our world. I remember as a young man growing up in Palos Verdes, California reading about Mr. Zimmerman in the Wall Street Journal one morning. It had been in the early 1990s that PGP took the world by storm, arousing great debate and challenging the encryption as munitions legal standards of the day. Before Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Finney created PGP, Pretty Good Privacy, we had no reliable or strong encryption. We were forbidden from owning or using such a thing as a tool to encrypt our personal information, for any purpose! Mr. Zimmerman risked his freedom and emerged as a revolutionary in the matter, vanquishing the anachronisms of the day. Hal Finney, a fellow Santa Barbarian had worked for Phil at the PGP company. Unfortunately, Mr. Finney passed away about 10 years ago at the age of 58, but in 2007 we began our mutual quest to impact the impossible and unreachable, aforementioned financial stratosphere, and what we perceived to be at the source of our own enslavement.

Finney had some great ideas and had already spent years trying to build a peer-to-peer electronic cryptocurrency system. After assessing his various projects I did what I normally do when called to solve a problem, I carefully diagnose and define the problem, then I proposed a solution. What his cryptocurrency solutions lacked was a proper database and data distribution system. Coincidentally, I was working on a decentralized file system as part of InfoShare and ideaOS. Central to this system was the iBlock, a file allocation table that would replicate itself on any number of storage devices creating a decentralized file system. Key to the iBlock system, was the cryptographic hash, a fingerprint of sorts, which guarantees that the contents of any given file may be verified, simply through a hashing process and comparing the output hash summary code to the file system dictionary value. If correct, then the file was genuine and up to date. This gave users the ability to perform file system replication across a diversity of storage and networking topologies. This would have been a revolutionary concept for consumers back in 2006 and had been at the back of my mind over the 20+ years that I had worked in the database field at that point in my career. I had been circulating the below linked Proof of Concept whitepaper in the California Central Coast community starting in July of 2007. The iBlock concept of a hash verified, distributed file system was just what Finney needed to complete his cryptocurrency design. And so the blockchain was born.

This was then applied to the brilliance of Finney and his expertise in cryptography to become what we know today as Bitcoin, a decentralized peer to peer cash system. My feeble contribution and Finneys creativity and imagination then contributed to the writing of a blueprint that, now, famously has become the Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin whitepaper. Understandably, no one wanted their name on this project, and, therefore the Nakamoto pseudonym was chosen to confuse and misdirect away from creation sources.

At the time I ran a proxy service called GhostProxy, at This website acted as a worldwide proxy to assist people in remaining anonymous and received hundreds of thousands of hits per day. We used this and other techniques such as Tor to cover our tracks while promoting this new decentralized monetary system. At first no one really took notice, and despair loomed.


After a few key postings, however, and simple promotional efforts, the project began to take hold and slowly people began to join. It became obvious that my involvement in this project would be considered an affront to people high up in government as I was well known by many insiders as a technical problem solver. Any work that I had done on a monetary system would be regarded with extreme scrutiny. The domestic surveillance systems in the continental United States are incredibly pervasive and extremely effective at collecting information on virtually every inhabitant in North America.

The lives of Mr. Finney and myself were quickly turned upside down almost immediately.

Among other forms of state sponsored harassment, Hal was “swatted” in his home which means that 911 was called and told that he was doing something dangerous in his home. Police ascended upon his house and detained him until the local police realized that the call was a fake.

People broke into my home and poured turpentine on my laundry in my closet. They poisoned and killed one of our dogs. They began to hack GhostProxy and destroy this business. I moved from server to server trying to stay alive and keep this business going. They were constantly breaking into my home whenever I was out and sometimes while I was sleeping. I contacted federal police for assistance and they openly mocked me. They turned off our cell phones by reprogramming them to no longer charge the batteries. They slowly ruined InfoShare and the other businesses with which I was an investor, contractor or just affiliated. Out of spite, Gates ordered Google to steal my DocuPost system, another InfoShare product, and gave it to Google to be turned it into Google Drive. The concept for Google Drive, although unpatentable, had been my invention and something that I had worked hard on for 18 months before Gates stole this invention and "gave it" to Google to work in conjunction with their existing Google Docs. They then turned their hackers on myself and my investors, ruining lives and businesses in their quest to deny our abilities to disrupt and innovate. These were some of the most aggressive hacks, attacks and affronts to my life and business interests that I had ever experienced. At the exact same time Finney was given a dose of the same, and they were constantly threatening us both with prosecutory actions completely unrelated to any technology that we were developing. They would have put us in prison for J-walking if they could find a way to legally do so.

Unfortunately, my presence in the Bitcoin space only made things worse for the community as it brought the technology under the spotlight. I wanted to speak publicly about my journey sooner, but I felt that my involvement would be better as a remote and silent observer. The fire had been started in the Central Coast and others would add fuel to keep it going. What a grand blaze and beautiful worldwide project Bitcoin has become!

I think that perhaps Hal would agree, people have done many extraordinary and amazing things with what started as a fairly modest idea and software program. I also wanted to wait to return until I could have the opportunity to improve upon the technology. With that in mind, when they took Gonsalo from us, my partner in SolarSnap, and I found myself essentially alone, I began developing an entirely new cryptocurrency. My efforts began in earnest as such in early 2019. While doing this I was forced to maintain essentially three full time jobs while living in marginal safety against the darker forces of the United States in an impoverished land, while fighting back against one perpetual legal attack after another. It has taken me a few years. I wrote eCoin, to solve the basic and immutable scalability issues of Bitcoin. I have a test server running eCoin at the following url:, which was just launched in February of this year.

As predicable Gates is attacking full force, having bought my eCoin patent off the wire. He is working with his new favorite patsy, apparently, Michael Saylor to promote the "Orange ID". This system is a rip off of eCoin and is the tip of the iceberg for the Gates solution to ultimately seize control of Bitcoin. Below, is a more deep exploration the Gates overall strategy and likely next moves to co-opt Bitcoin using the stolen eCoin concepts. These follow the now predictable and typical methods of subversion and theft employed by Gates and Bush.

The eCoin protocol is new and creates not just a cryptocurrency but also a voting system, a way to secure documents that contain intellectual property, a bonding system that allows for sovereign currency creation, a way to complain about people who mistreat others, robots that one can grant authority to carry out tasks on the Internet, and a company stock system. This completely new and decentralized network, or the eCoin mainnet, is called DNA which stands for Decentralized Network Accounting. Essentially, the basis of eCoin is a new consensus protocol that I invented called PAC. Without completely disclosing my patent, in the PAC, 5 witness signatures, each requiring identification on the network, are used to validate a transaction. These witsigs are at the heart of PAC, which Gates probably intends to forcibly implement upon Bitcoin using the help of Micahel Saylor. Please note that as of this date, July 2024, this plan has not been mentioned and this is the first place to make public this secret plan to subvert the Bitcoin system by Gates. When it does come up, mostly likely coming in the way of a Saylor suggestion, kindly call foul as this is a violation of my patent and will essentially give Bitcon to Gates and the US Department of Justice. Neither Bitcoin nor eCoin shall be co-opted by Gates or anyone else and must remain free and solely the property of the people of this world!

As I said, already Bill Gates is trying to unlawfully co-opt eCoin by putting Michael Saylor up to the “Orange ID” system. This takes ideas directly from eCoin where the database peers are each given an ID number, which Gates has illegally obtained and then transferred to Saylor in a controlled manner using his network of agents and spies in the Americas. In the reciprocal arrangement Saylor has placed Microsoft at the forefront with their defective products. In the Gates plan Bitcoin will cease to exist as a sovereign system of communal contribution. It shall soon fall under the control of the United States government after the final piece in this evil plan, the coup de grâce, that is the DOJ BIP. That's right the Department of Justice sponsored BIP where contributing programmers will be vetted by Gates' team and jailed for non compliance in coding standards upon this "now critical infrastructure asset to the American way of lies". One should be careful endorsing Trump and Saylor as they have become the patsy Trojan horses for the Bitcoin take over.

Orange ID and the proposed Saylor BIP changes will not be good for Bitcoin and shall lead to its demise if left unchecked. Never invest yourself in deep state technologies that can be used against you. A system such as this should remain completely beyond the reach of any government, otherwise, users who rely upon it for identification can be switched off at any time, regardless of what they may tell you about it. In total and in truth, what is missing and required for Bitcoin is a safe governmental jurisdiction where coders and users may live and work in freedom and privacy. I am working with the government and military leaders of Mexico to create such a safe place. More information to follow as this is an extremely important topic, jurisdictional control and our future base of operations for Bitcoin and other world changing decentralized, community database technologies.

What finally happened to myself and Hal?

Back to my story of Hal and myself being stalked in Santa Barbara by my government. Finally, I was told by my NSA contact, David Green, that if I went to Texas for six months and helped George W. Bush on a project, all would be forgiven. It was assumed that I would be required to cease and desist my technical development efforts. One must understand just how overwrought and degraded that we had both become at this point. George had “helped me out” a few years early by finding me a job at a defense contractor in Santa Barbara named RG Hansen, to fix a Sidewinder missile manufacturing issue, so I reluctantly agreed. I bought a 10 meter RV, was given half price on a piece of property in Abilene and went to Texas. When I arrived at my new home near the Dyess Air Force base I found that I had been moved into a virtual prison in the center-most point of the continental United States. This would make my escape very difficult because Abilene Texas is located physically at the furthest point from any border of the United States. If I wanted to preserve any of my property a run to the Mexican or Canadian borders, with their electronics and the Bush controlled Texas law enforcement, would be nearly impossible. I had fallen into their trap.

They had hacked and torn apart my companies, InfoShare, Williamson Software and GhostProxy and then herded me to Texas to be trapped in a virtual prison to help George and federal US spy agencies to spy on the American populace. This is how modern day slavery works. From that moment forward I would be given an escort who would follow me everywhere that I went in Abilene.

It would take another 6 months for me to engineer my escape to Mexico. This required that I convince a significant portion of the US intelligence community and George W. Bush to rebel with me. This was no small feat, but we decided to go together and began the Occupy Movement. Members of the NSA also defected with us and joined me in becoming members of Anonymous, a group that I had helped out for humanitarian causes while living in Santa Barbara.

During this time it was nearly impossible for me to work on Bitcoin, and I had begun to loose track of Finney and my other friends back in Santa Barbara. My home was peppered with a combination of very painful sonic waves and brain numbing electronic emissions. It was also about this time that Finney’s diagnosis began to look extremely grim, he had developed a very rare neurological disorder. He died a few years later, and I am very suspicious about the cause of his death given the involvement of the CIA and Gates in this matter. Gates loves to play with dangerous viruses. Biological terror is one of their specialties, and I think that Hal was quite possibly assassinated.

In order to escape from an extremely painful sonic torture system deployed against us, I would run a bath and immerse my body in the water. Water is essentially an uncompressible medium and gave me temporary relief from sonic torture being directed at my home from an SOS, Suborbital Satellite (a military blimp). I shared this idea of using water to find relief with George as they were doing the same thing to him. We would lay there in our respective baths giving them the finger up to the sky. As part of his process to gain closure from the experience George then painted this picture a few years later which was, apparently, hacked by the NSA but then released to the world in a gallery in Texas by George, himself.

George W. Bush painting, escaping aerial sonic torture for going against the ruling elite while forming Occupy.

In early 2011 two armed men entered my home in Abilene equipped with a rope. One totted a sawed off shotgun and the other a pistol, probably 9mm. I knew both men. One was my contact from the NSA, with CIA and Bush affiliation, and the other was a biker and a member of the local mafia. The former person had been my California contact and had brought me to Texas. I quickly drew my concealed piece, just a small snub nosed 25 when they were momentarily distracted. My gun was just a vary small hold out, and they laughed about it. But they knew that I would get them both at least one time before they grabbed me. They could have killed me there in my kitchen, but a bullet riddle corpse would have violated CIA protocol. I calculated that they had been ordered to produce a clean suicide. Plus I would have shot them both through the heart, and they knew it. We had all been to firing ranges in Abilene many times together and knew each other's abilities.

Daniel Greenough aka David Green
NSA Signals Intelligence
Abraham, Texas mafia

They likely intended to tie me up and to hang me near the creak at the bottom of my Texas property that night, in both a murder and effort to discredit me and make me look crazy (this was almost certainly the method that they used to murder my business partner and friend Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna some years later). After a lifetime of dealing with these people, I know a little about their protocols. Likely they hoped this would break the Occupy Movement and my group of supporters. Luckily, I talked them out of it and they left quietly. They then made another attempt on my life a short while later.

You can imagine my trepidation about continuing to live in the United States from that moment forward. The CIA now had orders to kill me. I then registered the domain name, and wrote about the incident.

I spoke to George the next day and told him about what had happened with the two gunmen. I told him that I was ready to leave and move to Mexico. I escaped a few days later. Early the following Saturday I was contacted and was given just four hours to pack and leave Abilene for my exit from the United States of America. I was allowed to take my car and whatever I could cram inside. I drove straight to the Mexican border at Juarez to start a new life, stepping entirely away for a time from application development work. The date was May 7, 2011 and it would be five long years before I would return to endeavor to build any new, serious applications. I remember it was a Saturday. (You can read more on this topic in the article titled Dear United States I would like to see other countries.)

After I got out others would follow, including Edward Snowden and many other folks in a similar position who you will probably never read or hear about. Some of us survived, but I am sure some of us did not. The exit of Edward and others was not accidental or random. We were all brothers against a common cause and system, fighting for our basic freedom and right to call ourselves free men and woman. It all began with Occupy. All of this flux, however, left the United States in disarray and there then began the rise of a second power faction in the Americas. A second shadow government.

On one side we have the old guard, headed by the Rockefellers, Soros and others. On the other side you have George. W. Bush and his family. Let's call them Deep State 2. I would characterize Bill Gates as being somewhere in between, trying to play both sides. These two competing governments, with rival media companies wield tremendous wealth and power and are in a tug of war over control of the country. Trump is Bush’s man and Biden is managed by the others, the old guard.

Yet, there has emerged a third group from this chaos of real change. Let us call them The Network. This group has no official funding or elected leadership body (although recently I attempted to develop a round table - but this effort was crashed by a reckless outsider). This new group is not based upon the tyranny of authoritarianism. Many of its members are current and former members of the intelligence apparatus, including contractors. These are people who understand and can read the clues going on around them. We are simply a group of people who are looking for a better way to get through life without the great hazards and liabilities of dividing people into groups to be mistreated and abused. More about that and my plans to put down roots in Mexico with this new group, and endeavor.

In my opinion you should stop listening to the president’s words and start noticing who is their real handler, and what the real underlying agenda might be.

As an aside, of the two "shadow government" factions, disappointingly, by far the most brutal and murder-some has become the Bush family. This has lead me to revise my opinions about the old families, as Bush has now made up his mind to invade Mexico to grow poppies and wipe out the competition. This came about after Elon Musk moved here last year, and that is another story. Basically, Musk took a very large sum of money from Bush for SpaceX, but then absconded with much of the money to Mexico, largely abandoning Texas. Although, recently it would appear that Musk has reversed course yet again, in his flighty modus operandi, placing his financial dominance as the top priority, and likely brokering a new secret deal with Bush. Apparently, Musk is no longer afraid of Bush as he wields a powerful new toy: Twitter/X. He also has in mind the $56 billion Tesla bonus he is bickering over with the Delaware Chancery Court system. Has he disclosed to the courts the Bush/Blackrock source of that Tesla stock 2020-2022 infusion and the whole backstory? I imagine not.

Just after the murder of my partner and while the legal battles against myself were heating up in Mexico now being pushed by Bush and his proxies, in a bid for my own survival, I authored a new theoretical framework in physics called Flow Theory. This is published under my name, ME Williamson, on ResearchGate and elsewhere and explains how gravity, time and electricity actually work. This endeavor is detailed in the two stories, Dear United States and I Present Gravity Control, here on this blog site. In my humble opinion this is the first successful human effort to explain these basic atomic properties and the all important atomic construction, an actual and viable design to explain the atom. In order to prove my theories I built a machine called the HyperDrive which bends gravity and made several patent filings beginning on 27 March 2020. Bush took this as a green light to steal this invention from me and so then solicited an unwitting accomplice, Elon Musk, who he then lured to Texas for $200 billion in stock and cash payments in late 2020. This accounts for the sudden run up in Tesla stock price from $14 to $384 USD during this period and then Musk's sudden about face away from Texas to Mexico on February 25 2023, when my network contacted and warned him early that morning. You can read about that elsewhere on this blog and how The Network warned him to get the hell out of Texas (Letter to Elon Musk and Elon Musk Travels in His Jet to Merida Mexico Amid Gravity Control Controversy)

This accounts for his immediate and frenetic activities in Mexico in late February and early March of last year when he went hunting around Monterey Mexico in search of familiar American amenities such as Bed, Bath and Beyond. You can read about that on Bloomberg, Fortune and many other magazines that tracked him during this strange period of unusual excitation, even for Musk. This time also saw the sudden emergence of the notion, sourced from Bush, "Send forth my legion of republican presidential nominees to invade Mexico!" These two events were not coincidental in their timing. The invasion plan began for Bush as a hunt to track down and retaliate against Musk for his betrayal of their pact to steal my technology. Musk lost interest in the Bush deal when he discovered that I was in fact the originator of the new gravity control invention, called the HyperDrive, and the scientific theories that sourced it, called Flow Theory. I guess that he is not so down with the whole, 1) Find inventor, 2) Steal idea, 3) Murder inventor, thing like they are.

Already, Gates has joined this other new circus that I seem to have created, as well and put his front man up, "Chris the Brain" on Youtube to co-opt and refactor Flow Theory into this comical Dilbert/Microsoft version of the Flow multi-realm physics featuring, apparently, Mr. Brain who is claiming to be the originator of these Flow concepts, which he is not! Chris the Brain of Youtube, another Bill Gates sponsored patsy, is plagiarizing straight from Flow Theory. Gate's plan is to turn my life into scorched earth everywhere I go! Please note, I wrote and published the first Flow papers in the summer of 2019 and Mr Brain did not begin his Gates sponsored charade until 2022, A FULL THREE YEARS LATER!

The invasion plan of the United States is being sold under a false pretext of drug interdiction (please research this very real circumstance on your own). Nothing could be further from the truth. This invasion plan of Mexico is a grab for power, land and resources such as the newly discovered lithium mines in the north. Bush wants to grow poppies in Sonora to replace the growing fields that he recently lost in Afghanistan and to maintain control over dissidents such as myself and Musk. I wrote several articles about this conspiracy, and the grave threat this posses to Mexico. If anyone wishes to help out in this regard you may contact me by email at or on Whatsapp/Telegram at +52 662-200-2018. MEXICO MUST IMMEDIATELY STOP THE INFLUX OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA INTO THE UNITED STATES. This is killing Mexico in the eyes of Americans and is exactly what Bush wants us to do in order to give his proxy leaders, Trump/DeSantis/Kennedy the authority to invade Mexico.

I must backtrack a bit to tell the story and to explain the development this new physics framework, Flow Theory, and how Bush then entangled Musk in the HyperDrive theft conspiracy.

As I have written elsewhere about the murder of my business partner, Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna in 2017 in this story here, my next action was to find a way be build worldwide noteriaty by solving gravity within physics. A few years after my arrival in Mexico George Bush had sent me a friend request on Facebook which I declined. Apparently, if I am not a friend, then I am an enemy, and, after repeated attempts to shut me down and get me to quit SolarSnap, in November of 2017 Bush sent two goons to tie a cable around my friend's neck, secured by two cable clamps in the back, and murdered him. The corrupt local Mexican police are now a part of this conspiracy calling an obvious homicide a suicide. In fact, someone was likely trying to poison him in the two months prior to his death.

Gonsalo had become seriously ill, and we could not figure out what was wrong with him. For two months he had sent me photos and videos of his skin with a strange rash, had become violently ill and was frequently vomited. At the time I was overwhelmed with work and did not figure it out until after they strangled him: HE WAS LIKELY RECEIVING A REGULAR DOSE OF ARSENIC IN HIS DIET. I wrote about that in the Antecedents of an Amparo I have filed and shared at this location which contain photographs of his skin that he sent to me in the weeks leading up to his death, which now appears to be arsenic poisoning. Apparently, he was not dying fast enough, so they helped him by tying a cable around his neck. Mr. Dojaque and I went against the "orders" of Bush/CIA, and my friend had steadfastly refused to betray me. He was murdered as a part of an overall strategy to shutdown SolarSnap and starve me out of Mexico. For this reason he remains in my heart one of my dearest and most beloved friends. Under these murderous regimes, I guess the life expectancy of my partners is roughly five years!

Anyway, I solved the basics of physics and developed a new atomic model as a sort of gift to my world and first came out with Flow Theory in the summer of 2019, roughly 1.5 years after the death of my business partner. I thought that this would help my plight and get me involved with positive business leaders who could help me to reshape physics and develop the very first gravity control systems for our world. Of course Gates and Bush could not wait to rush in and to steal my work, threatening to murder me by squatting the domain name, THE DAY AFTER, I visited my registrar, NameCheap and was preparing to register it! More about that in the Dear United States story.

Despite these set backs, I continue to march forward and look forward to a full launch and deployment of eCoin later this year. I believe in democracy and I think that a fair voting system will assist our world. eCoin can be used as such and should solve a myriad of other issues facing the governance of our world.

I strongly believe in reincarnation, as I have written about here, and I know that Gonsalo and I will see each other again. Unfortunately, his wife had his body quickly incinerated (as was written about in the aforementioned Amparo link), and he could not be preserved. However, I am hoping to bring back Hal because, fortunately, he had time to plan and to have himself frozen. I have invested in nano tech research having begun building two cleanrooms at SolarSnap. I have been working on some new ideas to extend human life through brain manipulation, and I think that I might be able to solve all of the problems required to unfreeze and restore Harold Finney! Simply by modifying the 12 genomic expressions centers of the brain and repairing our broken cell replication process, which does not verify itself before replication, we can essentially re-engineer our bodies to live on for quite a long time.


One of my inventions is a tool to conduct an internal medical procedure without having to cut into the patient. This is part of the gravity control research that I am doing in Flow Theory. Imagine conducting a brain operation without having to saw through the human skull! Besides bringing back Hal, I theorize that, with this new technology the human lifespan could typically be extended to roughly 500 years. I have already begun to develop and plan the reanimation of Hal and the repair of his central nervous system to correct the condition that lead to his demise. I am most concerned about neurological damage to his brain tissue due to the freezing process. I am fairly certain that he can be functionally restored, but he may have many years of therapeutic redevelopment ahead. We have no systems for memory preservation, ergo there is no manner in which to "back up" the person. I strongly believe, however, that the soul is the primary defining characteristic of the personality, and, therefore, Hal shall eventually emerge being nearly the same person as to who he was before freezing. (what is your plan to steal my life extension work under the REGEN project, Bill? What new idiot's circus shall you entreat upon us, and what patsy shall you next employ? We do await in eager anticipation!)

Going forward I would like to turn Hermosillo into the cryptocurrency mining capital of the world. Mexico is the third most sunny country on our planet, and there are no tariffs on Chinese solar panel importation, making them about half the price they cost in the US. Currently, government regulations for DeFi projects in Mexico is very relaxed and we plan to keep it that way. I am working with affiliates to develop solar powered Bitcoin mining parks and to invite the top mining companies to join us in Mexico, especially Hermosillo. We have beautiful coastal cities including San Carlos and a very well developed living standard overall for the country of Mexico, similar to nearby Mexican state of Monterey where Musk has been setting up his new base.

Soon I shall more officially announce this initiative for cost effective crypto mining parks in Mexico. DeFi needs a safe jurisdiction and I have been working diligently for the last 10 years to secure Mexico as such. If you work in DeFi, please stay tuned and be ready to help.

For the United States I recommend that you stick with the old guard oligarchy in this next presidential election, for now, which means Kamala Harris. I know that is going to ruffle some feathers in the DeFi space, but you must understand all the facts. The Bush regime using Trump as its proxy is too radical and they are not with us. Trump is not going to save Bitcoin, he is simply a front for Blackrock and George W. Bush. The Bitcoin theft conspiracy, which is currently under way, is being managed by Bill Gates working closely with Saylor. This will be a nasty surprise for everyone in the DeFi community. Please stop being so gullible and making it so easy for them as I recently observed at the Bitcoin conference where Trump gave his address. Do you recall the message from Edward Snowden: DO NOT JOIN A CULT. I believe that was code for, "Stay the hell away from Trump!" Trump is a Trojan horse and inside is George W. Bush and Bill Gates waiting to jump out. They plan to criminalize Bitcoin devs while retasking and then folding Bitcoin into the government.

The reason that Gates and other oligarchs are suddenly "welcoming Bitcoin" with open arms is because they have read my eCoin patent and see a strategy whereby the technology of Bitcoin might be an useful new monetary system and perhaps even a new system of population control. Formerly, they were going after Etherium but appear to have dropped this effort. They are not hugging Bitcoin, they are putting it into a neck lock in a secret plan to steal it. Trump will betray Bitcoin, Trump will hijack Bitcoin for his masters, Bush and Gates.

The other shadow government (shadow government #1) will slowly erode our DeFi powers, jail our leaders and then eventually take over Bitcoin anyway. Of course they will, but we shall have time to exit the software devs, the company leaders and move mining headquarters away from unsafe nations and into Mexico. I plan to build a fully legal and appropriate military shield against this domineering and now very aggressive nation. This is our chance for permanence and real freedom!

Additionally, looking at the big picture, if Trump is elected president, the odds of the United States becoming entangled with another nuclear armed nation are extremely high. Nuclear holocaust seems the likely outcome of another Trump term (you can listen to Scott Ritter speak about how dangerous Trump is on Youtube). Under this fourth Bush term (Trump was never the real president) at the very least we shall see a turn towards the office of the president becoming a fascist, authoritarian regime. That is why Bush is secretly funding and guiding Project 2025, to give his daughters rulership over the nation, that he has crippled, when he is gone. Giving away our broken democracy two his two psychtropically medicated daughters is the only game left to play for this aging fascist.

One of my primary projects over the next ten years is to beef up the military of Mexico to best the United States. I shall accomplish this using stealth hunting SAM missiles equipped with phased array radars, autonomous kamikaze drone submarines, 50,000 mph missiles, a new stealth (the United States stealth was my invention I made at age 10 and is quite vulnerable), and a new cavitation effect weapon which turns brain matter into vapor, all of which I am currently developing. This shall be combined to form a protective shield over and around Mexico using the Tortilla Dome and the Good Neighbor Fence projects. Collectively, I am committed to building an alliance with all of Latin America, something like an EL NATO. I am calling it the Good Neighbor Alliance and it is my dream that a curtain shall protect us from the northern border of Mexico all the way to the southern border of Argentina against the aggression of the United States. Of course it is absolutely my wish that American citizens and all nations engaging in commerce, exploration or just wanting to live free, will always be welcomed and treated well in Mexico.

My life is currently in extreme danger. Please follow my progress and support me if you can at

I will close on this because I have been wanting to answer these questions for some years (I hate watching others be tormented by such simple mysteries):

Questions some people have been asking, for example: how did the Forth-like stack system become a part of Bitcoin, and why were some of the spellings in communications British?

In the mid 1980s I started experimenting with the Forth programming language and then in the early 1990s I wrote a dBase replacement program for my fledgling software company, Williamson Software, using the Forth programming language. My father, a prolific aerospace engineer and programmer, had shared Forth with me in 1985 which I believe was originally written to program robots. As a programmer, I appreciate the machine-like simplicity of the postfix programming system and the ability to encapsulate entire and complex functional elements into words. The LIFO Forth stack was a lot of fun to work with and greatly simplified the overall program by replacing the need for variables. My first commercial software application distributed locally in Santa Barbara in 1990 by my company Williamson Software, called the C-FORM program, was written in Forth. It seemed that during early Bitcoin planning the Forth based LIFO stack seemed like an efficient system to replace variable management given the scarcity of Internet resources at this historical moment.

Finally, I, like many others were running Ubuntu in 2007/2008 as it was all the rage and convenient for, well, booting a tor client from CD. The default distro downloaded with the origin country dictionary, British, currently available at and had a version of OpenOffice available. Although annoying at times, it was a hassle to change the dictionary away from the default British version. This was perhaps due to a bit of laziness, having to reconfigure for the American English dictionary. The default distro gave us British spellings for some of our words at times, especially while communicating on the run.

More than ever the DeFi community needs to band together as one and to plant a flag somewhere on this globe. Mexico has become my first choice, although others have found other safe harbors, and I absolutely wish us all well in developing this and other places to be truly free in this world.

July 2007 PoC White Paper RE: iBlock File System (This PoC version was a first revision and only a rough draft, but seems to be the only one that I can find)

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