Dear United States, I would like to see other countries

After serving my country well, I have decided to diversify my geographical interests

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Technology
Posted: 01 March 2023

I left the United States in the year 2011 to escape a crushing dictatorship and authoritarian regime that had taken over my country. After enduring decades of abuse by the United States government, in 2009, I was sent to Texas so that I could work on various projects, and, I think, so that they could place me in a controlled environment.

I had been raised, without my parents knowledge, to assist my government in solving impacted, difficult problems that appeared to be without a solution. I suppose that I was regarded as the person to call upon if a problem seemed to be without a solution.

In order to understand why I have gotten into so much trouble with the rulers of my home country, I guess I should go back to the beginning. When I was conceived and living inside of my mother, I quickly developed a curiosity for understanding how things worked. My life memories begin while I yet unborn, and I can remember wanting to get out of my mother long before landing my baby boots on the ground, so to speak. I wanted to create and build.

My parents had sent me to the Brain Institute of my father’s almamater, UCLA, when I was just three years old. The brain tests at UCLA revealed that I was able to solve problems well beyond the other children my age. It was at this moment that it was discovered that I was a highly creative problem solver. Subsequently, a woman visited my Los Angeles preschool who was looking for test subjects for a new brain institute program. She gave a test to all of the children in my class, but then selected me to take a more extensive and difficult test alone in a back room.

Thereafter, I was taken two times per week where I was more deeply trained and developed. Every Tuesday and Thursday I was sent to UCLA until the age of five. Then, after age five, I would visit someone in their home who lived near my elementary school. He was a doctor of some type. This program continued onward through the age of nine, even after my family had moved many miles away to Palos Verdes. I was given an IQ test at age 12 and scored 172. Much of this work was done without the involvement of my parents. My mother knew that I was going two times per week, but my father worked long hour and was likely not consulted. The process was rigorous and sometimes painful.

Since before I was borne I have been fascinated with things that others, especially the children around me while growing up, did not care about. I wanted to know more about electricity. I was two years old, and I watched my parents plug appliances into the outlets of our Mar Vista home. My father explained to me that electricity came out of the wall and that metal conducted the electricity to run things. I thought about that and found an eating utensil made out of metal, probably a fork. I wanted to see electricity come out, so I placed the fork into the socket. When I woke up I was a few feet away from the wall and my father was yelling at me. I looked at the wall which had a black mark on it. I had successfully conducted my first electricity experiment. However, I could not understand why my father did not appreciate my accomplishment. I looked around for the electricity, but I could not find any. I looked on the floor, on the wall, everywhere. After my father calmed down, he told me that it was invisible.

I kept every electronic device that I came across no matter how old, broken or used. I collected televisions, radios, and appliances. I was always looking for ways to increase the range of communications equipment and to build radios, RC craft like cars, boats, planes and helicopters. I even made an RC car that could go in the water called an amphibious craft. My brother and I would make rockets and RC craft together. I would always ask my parents to buy me new electronic toys. I would disassemble them because I wanted to study how they worked. I learned how to use a soldering iron when I was 10 years old and made a work shop in the basement where I spent long hours.

My father taught my brother and I how to acetylene weld when I was 12 years old. My family had a computer terminal system starting in 1976, and I was allowed to use it to log into the USC Tenex system and run basic programs and access email. This was a mainframe system and was connected to other computers using an early version of the IP protocol. My father got mad at me one day for accessing the wrong email account after the administrator had contacted him. I learned how to program a personal computer in 1982 right after they were first introduced. The computer was an IBM XT with 64kB RAM. The computer was upgraded to include an early hard drive which had 5 megabytes of storage. I worked for my father one summer to help him write a graphical program to chart commodity prices written in Basic using a Hercules graphics card and running in DOS 2.11.

Around the age 10, I liked to watch Star Trek reruns on television after-school in the afternoons. I watched a Bird of Prey decloaking, and noted the wavy lines transforming into a physical form, an invisible lurking spacecraft had just appeared from nowhere. Later, that year, while at my friend Stu's house, we were playing with his shortwave radio. Stu was always tinkering with his high powered radio gear, taking it apart, upgrading it, fixing it. I would ask him what this part does and what that part did? "What does this do?" I asked one day, pointing at something exposed within the open case. "Get away from that, you are going to get electrocuted!" he snapped. He then explained to me that area was a signal demodulation rectifier for extracting voices from the carrier wave. I asked him a few more questions and then I said, "you mean like a filter?" He said, "well yes, I guess it is like a filter." Then I asked, "Why do we need a filter?" He said, “without the use of this rectifier, in radio communications, our spoken words would be unrecognizable.”

Later, again watching Star Trek, I wondered, what if the radar systems that track aircraft used a filtration system similar to our short wave radio, to screen out background noise? If this were true, maybe we could build an aircraft that was invisible to radar systems simply by making the lines fuzzy, like the Bird of Prey on Star Trek. I was thinking, if you could build your fuselage, wings and control surfaces with multiple layers of materials of differing densities, maybe the reflections from the aircraft skin would confuse the filters inside the radar system and trick the filter into automatically filtering out the entire aircraft.

They worked on this stealth design near my home at a location in Burbank, California. This design first went into deployment in the F-117, in the 1990 Gulf War, which my country won. This concept was also used in the B-2 stealth bomber, a delta wing. Later, in the 1990s, an F-117 was shot down by a cleaver Yugoslavian Colonel and now the east makes aircraft using this design concept, knowing how it works, by fooling the radar. Multi-static radar systems are now used to spot aircraft using this now dated stealth technology. [UPDATE August 2024: I am working on a phased array radar system that can spot "stealth"]

Serbian village celebrating shootdown

Cross section reveals the US Air Force implementation of my stealth invention

Radar "absorption" is a misnomer and likely misdirection. My stealth creates multiple images of the same object and fools the old fashioned signal demodulation rectifiers in all non digital radio gear into filtering the entire image. I would have given my home country a better stealth technology, a real stealth, if it still had a functioning democracy and had not decided to murder my friends and family just for sport. I was never compensated for this contribution, and was instead, placed into a controlled subversive program as an adult. There are many other such virtual prisoners living in the United States today.

In 1990 I founded Williamson Software. This company supplied software specifically written for Vocational Rehabilitation and Medical doctors. I wrote most of the software and then ran this small company for about 10 years.

I first became disillusioned in about 1995 when Microsoft began stealing my ideas. I have invented many things that have been stolen by my government or large companies who are in favor with my government. For example, the Start button which first appeared in Windows 95 was my idea. Later, I invented a document sharing system where users could upload and download their documents. This was taken away from me forcibly. My small company, named InfoShare, was destroyed using hackers and the idea went to Google and became Google Drive.

Later, I invented an application that was a work together system that allowed multiple collaborators to work on a project by assigning tasks to each of the workers. I wrote the software for internal use at SolarSnap which is a company that I began 2013 after escaping from the extraordinarilly illegal controlled subversive program being operated out of the United States. Even while living and working in Mexico, Microsoft stole this work together app idea and obliterated an entire Internet server company in Texas in 2014 where I rented only one server, just to block me from using this web application within my new solar products company and 10 workers. The result was humiliating and extremely frustrating. I had named the project WorkOn. The product Microsoft developed failed and now this specific technology exists as Slacks. I gave up trying to run any server hosting the WorkOn software in 2015 because I would immediately be DDOSed by Microsoft whenever I would turn it on. During one such attack I pointed the WorkOn domain name at the main Microsoft website and got them to attack themselves. Mr. Gates demonstrates, even today, a most detestable level of averice and they even made a real life fake movie about him called Antitrust. I guess sometimes we have to lie to tell the truth.

My software company Williamson Software had been bankrupted by Bill Gates in about 2000. A few years later George W. Bush again entered my life and he offered me a job assisting a defense contractor in California to update parts of the Sidewinder missile. Being desperate and without partners due to everything I owned being attacked by US military assets used freely against its citizens I took the job at RG Hansen and Associates. I was put in charge of the cryostat, a cryogenic fluid transport mechanism that is a part of the precision optics. The project had become stalled due to an intractable technical issue, but the Air Force had needed this JT cryostat because of the importance of Sidewinder. The owner hired me with title project manager for the Sidewinder cryostat.

The first thing that I did was to hold meetings with the key engineers and the QC. No solutions were immediately visible, so I do what I always do first when solving “impossible” problems: I precisely defined and documented the exact issue to the highest degree possible. Next, I set to work organizing the parts inventory. I noted that a great many parts were not being clearly managed. Having parts “under control” is a serious Air Force requirement.

It was disclosed to me that 75% of the finished cryostats were failing final inspection due to premature exhaustion of the coolant fluid. A microscopic video analysis of the needle valve during run revealed a 1/1,000th of an inch oscillation while the unit was in operation and the valve was open. This lead me to believe that the valve had entered an undesirable mode of vibration, perhaps due to fluidic waves developing during run. This fluid induced oscillation likely prevented the extremely small valve from closing properly in the dynamic manner in which it had been intended. The production fails were likely a result of perhaps as little as a 1/10,000 of an inch in dimensional variance in the valve parts. Unfortunately, our very small manufacturing facility lacked the tooling required to make parts so precisely. Perhaps the sticky valve was also caused by variances in final parts, in friction, spring stiffness or other minute manufacturing differences. I concluded quickly that determining the exact cause(s) would be nearly impossible due to the simplicity of the company research facilities.

We fixed the issue through modification of the valve pin by creating a very small dent at the end of it. This dent caused a small but constant leak. With the cryogenic optical units turned on, there would then always be some flow of the liquid nitrogen. This constant leak resulted in interrupting and cancelling any entry into the undesirable vibration mode and the valve getting stuck open. Aircraft pilots expected a nominal leak rate anyway, as this particular infrared optics system, used on the AIM9 Sidewinder, was frequently being switched on by pilots to fly at night. With this simple modification the cryostat was able to function sufficiently to pass final testing 99% of the time. With the constant leak, the undesirable mode never started up, and the cryogen flow remained smooth and consistent. We then received a commendation letter from an Air Force Kernel acknowledging our efforts. This was a sizable victory for the small Santa Barbara based defense contractor, and DLA authorized continuance of manufacture of the Sidewinder cryostat by R.G. Hansen and Associates. In fact the fix and the audit we passed were so successful that the owner, Robert Hansen, was able to negotiate and raise the per unit price from of $1500 to $3500 per cryostat. This increased the long term contract value to perhaps $50 million US.

My reward was swift: I was fired, and my job given to the president's daughter. Then George sent his henchman, a man named Daniel Greenough who worked in Signals Intelligence for the NSA, to California who then coerced me into moving to Texas.

It was now 2009 and I was driving my 30 foot motor home, complete with a server rack, towing my car to a desolate part of Texas to work with a bunch of defense contractors, and a former president, to do God knows what to God knows who. Leaving California I was saying to myself, I must be crazy to trust these people and drive to the middle of nowhere and do this sleazy government work.

I worked with the team for about six months and slowly began to realize that, what was really going on was that we were building a system to track every person living in the United States and perhaps surrounding areas. This did not feel right to me. Much of the information was very personal and should not be known by government workers without probable cause, which I doubted existed.

After just six months I decided that I wanted to go home and head back to California. I attempted to resign from the NSA. I was then told to stay in Texas, which essentially turned me into their prisoner. I shutdown my work for the government at that time and pursued alternative opportunities which involved writing Internet applications. At this point the hacking of my Internet applications went completely out of control. I realized that the contractor who had brought me to Texas, who had become my contact person for the NSA was probably the one hacking me all along. He lived two houses away from me and had arranged to assist me in buying the property where I was living. I had essentially now become his prisoner, and without sufficient funds I would not be able to even drive my motorhome back to California. The gasoline alone would cost roughly $1000 USD. I was afraid to call the police in Texas because one of the people working on the project exerts great political and police control in the state of Texas.

As I was preparing to leave, someone sabotaged my car and my RV. Apparently, they had loosened the lines of my fuel injection system, spilling fuel on the top of the engine causing the car to actually catch fire. With some quick action I was able to save the car with a fire extinguisher from my RV and then patch up the fuel leak. Clearly, escape was being actively blocked. I was not going to make it out of the country with much of any of my property, and I would likely be pursued for the rest of my life. I knew too much.

It was now mid 2010, I approached Bush and invited he and others to join me in escaping from the control system that we were all under. I had ascertained as much. We rallied together behind our common suffering and developed a sort of communion around a movie called V for Vendetta (which seems a bit ironic now). I will write a later article about how this lead to the Occupy movement. I was still not permitted to earn any money and was literally starving to death. Very thin, low on money and becoming more and more desperate each day, I awoke early one Saturday in May of 2011, packed my car with as much as I could carry and left the country with only my car and what I could fit inside. Early that same morning I had been told that “If I wanted to live”, I should leave the country within the next four hours, while, they, those who were assigned to blocking my escape, were on shift. I left 1 acre of real estate, an RV and my lifetime collection of personal items behind. I had become an unwelcome person in my country of birth due to the fact that I had refused to comply and submit.

I had a very rough journey including having my car sabotaged by very powerful EMF pulses “from above”, likely originating from SOS, sub orbital satellites, or as I like to call them Blimpolites, or just SOBs (Suborbital Blimpolites). Eventually, I made my way to Hermosillo in the state of Sonora where I founded SolarSnap with a partner. Things went well for about four years when I was again approached by Daniel Greenough and told that I must return now to the fold and assist this new organization to which they said that I belonged. Apparently, a war had erupted between those who were previously in power and those who had escaped with myself, the one’s who helped to start the Occupy movement together. The one in charge of those who had escaped, Mr. Bush, was looking for help and demanded that I return to assist his group. He even sent me a friend request on Facebook. I clicked on the invitation and saw a golf course range, a golf cart and the back of his head. How nice, I thought. I declined the friend request.

Almost immediately people began to stalk myself and my girlfriend. They deleted mine and my girlfriend's Facebook accounts, even removing her face from the Facebook facial identification database. I was personally threatened and told that I had no choice but to join them and to return to service even while living in Mexico. I continued to hold with my negative position. Then they threatened to murder my family and then began to inflict their systems of subversion and control upon me in my life again.

I hired security guards to guard my door while I slept. George's people, part of his drug transporation network in Hermosillo, always had a tail on me, even when I went for walks. I would come home from work at about 9:30 pm and walk to Oxxo (The Mexican 711) a few blocks away. Someone would then walk behind me, wait outside the store while I shopped, and then follow me home. One security guard, whom I had hired just to sit in front of my apartment door while I slept, quit his job working for me in the middle of the night and demanded that I immediately drive him home. He stated that he was being menaced all night by the stalkers and could not take it any more. They followed my girlfriend around in her car. They did not even care if we saw them. I hired the State police, PEI, to harass the stalkers. Eventually I moved to my manufacturing facility to get out of the city. I have survived there for the past seven years.

Using my ideas for a new solar panel invention, the company that I founded with my partner grew quickly and soon my stock was worth millions of dollars. We moved onto a barren property located in the Industrial Park near the Ford plant and started building. Within 3 years we had a 5000 square foot facility with a laboratory, office complex, pilot factory and tooling shop.

Mark Williamson and Gonsalo Dojaque accepting Fundación Ganfer award at televised event with governor elect Javier Gandara, in Hermosillo in 2015

The next morning we all piled into Gonsalo's car and raced around town hopping from one morning television shows to the next

The following year, SolarSnap Store Grand Opening, November 2016

And, the year after that, SolarSnap Factory, Parque Industrial Hermosillo, with Pilot Factory, Tooling shop and Laboratory, April 2017

We were having such a blast building our new startup which was bursting at the seams with such amazing acceleration and growth. But they were brooding and becoming more jeleous each day back in the US. They wanted me back on their team, not off living la vida loca, free and wild in Mexico creating our dreams together, with my new friends. We had obviously become solar terrorist and needed to be stopped!

The successful rise of my startup would end abruptly nearing the end of 2017. Some time around September of that year, apparently, George W. Bush had decided that he had let out as much line on his fish as it needed to give him what he wanted. He had likely begun building another solar products company in Texas utilizing much of my research and technological ideas, and had decided to eliminate my company and put an end to my happiness. He considers any amount of success that I have as a threat to his existence. About that time my partner Gonsalo began complaining to me that he was having sleep issues. This and other indicators appeared as a red flag to me that my partner and good friend was being stalked and tormented by George's people.

This abuse upon my partner became more and more apparent as the weeks rolled by. That November George's people placed a cable around my dear friend's neck, secured with two cable clamps in the back and hung him up in a carport at his mother's home. Mexican police quickly ruled his death a "suicide". Then his CIA psyops experts went to work trying to convince everyone that his death was a real suicide and was actually my fault!

My analysis is that he was likely strangulated first and that the cable was introduced to hide the trauma marks on his neck. His body was cremated within 35 hours of his death, likely in an effort to destroy any evidence. I wrote a story about his murder here. His people then began a savage social media war upon our company and began stalking each and every employee within the organization.

Narcotraffickers working for these people then kidnapped myself and held me for undisclosed reasons after luring me onto their ranch in San Pedro, just north of Hermosillo (the Marijuana growing capital of Sonora). I escaped but they followed me to my downtown SolarSnap store. They then hid out and grabbed me a second time 3 days later and tried to force me into their vehicle, but I fought back and got away. I went to the police but they found out that it was the Gamez family so they refused to charge them with kidnap subsequent to visiting them in their house. They then charged me with stealing SolarSnap solar panels during the installation where I was also kidnapped. They also charged my girlfriend for the same crime, who was not even there. We were both accused of stealing our own solar panels, from ourselves, while I was installing them while I was being kidnapped and she was 20 miles away. When they tried to grab me the second time, it was outside of my store on a Saturday after everyone else had gone home and I was there alone. I had to simultaneously defend myself against two attackers who tried to drag me across the street when I went outside to get my lunch out of my car. 50 pieces of evidence and story details, including a video of them stalking me during the second abduction attempt I will link here and include in another story. My attorney, an awesome and courageous person, and I have prepared an amparo requesting federal intervention into this Sonora Mexico circus police system, which I have posted here.

The courts, police, Public Minister and Monica Gamez then decided to let my girlfriend go from the case, but not myself. They would not accept any amount of money to release myself from this fraudulent case. The plan was to send me to prison for 10 years no matter what. Then the police accepted $5,000 US dollars in September 2021 to free her from the case. She was promptly released and "forgiven" in a speedy, mysterious hearing which took place over Zoom. My girlfriend, has no criminal record, never committed a crime, no speeding tickets or even a parking ticket, and who had committed absolutely no crime whatsoever but was subjected to a humiliating, corrupt Mexican criminal process. This had been brought against us using the prosecutory powers of the state of Sonora, which is heavily influenced by the aforementioned group. After two years of abuse by dishonest police, prosecutors and judges, her ordeal was finally over. Whew, I was relieved!

The trial would, of course, continue against myself, and I would serve a decade behind bars at the behest of United States businessmen using the machinations of a foreign government. However, I began to analyze the case from a legal prespective. I found and translated the laws pertaining to the charges in our case and noted that, under the statutes of Sonora state law, in order to deliver the harshest possible sentence for such a minor crime, we had been charged with criminal statutes that required that two or more people had committed said crime. Apparently, the fraudulent criminal case brought against us required that two or more criminal actors were involved. These statute were grouped under special laws intended to stem narcotrafficking and organized crime. Well, the case had already progressed through the pretrial, formal accusation and evidence discovery, and was now scheduled for trial. However, with her removed from the case I was the lone defendant in a case that required two or more people to have committed potentially organized criminal acts of a violent nature by two or more people. I immediately wrote a formal demand for dismissal and submitted it to the court. We then went to the courthouse and demanded conformance with the law. In order for justice to be served the case must be dropped. A new case must then be filed under the proper statutes, ergo not requiring “two or more persons”.

In the motions filed, we also demanded that the police conduct an investigation, which we had already made on four separate occasions before two judges including several formal written filings where we, the accused, asked if we could please be questioned by the police, and where we, the accused, would be allowed to submit evidence in our own case, including video tape recordings, payment records, whatsapp conversations between five different pairs of conversants, in total, an orgy of evidence overwhelmingly proving our innocence and exonerating us! This evidence had been categorically rejected by all official investigators. This information is locted HERE and HERE

Despite the corruption, the control judge could not deny such a glaring legal deviation from the law. Furthermore, I had made them all famous by publishing about this case on the Internet, how the victims of kidnap, stalking and violent assault had been charged with bogus crimes by the kidnappers. Conspiracy to conceal the crime of kidnap after the fact is a very serious crime onto itself and made the police, public minister and judges accessories to these crimes. They could and should go to jail for 10 or more years. Their corrupt police circus had been exposed and brought to light before the people of Hermosillo. You can read more at

Therefore, lacking ANY EVIDENCE OR A SINGLE CREDIBLE WITNESS for the alleged crime, exhibiting obvious abnormalities, and suffering a loss of local credibility, the corrupt public prosecutor of Hermosillo, Karla Yadira Brockman Salazar, was forced to drop the case all together against myself which took place in an equally mysterious and enigmatic Zoomed process a few weeks later.

I had scorned them by rejecting their friend request, and dodged yet another bullet in my life.

Upon recounting these events with my friend, he asked me how I knew all this, about the legal system and processes. I thought about that for a moment. I looked at my friend, and I said: I can read.

In fact, I have read over 3000 pages of Mexican legal statutes, including the Federal Constitution, Sonora State Civil Codes, Sonora State Civil Procedures, Federal Courts of Chancery, and Federal and State Criminal Statutes. With the support of a licensed attorney I can now file my own suits, appeals, responses and motions in Mexican Federal and State courts.

My attorney was instrumental in the positive results that we achieved. He helped myself and my girlfriend when we were at our most vulnerable and least able to pay him. He would always appear when we needed him most and magically presented exactly what was required. His generous spirit is incomparable given the risks that he has taken to defend us, two innocent victims of a crorrupt and narco entrenched legal system.

We would like to take a moment to appreciate and thank our attorney, Juan Manuel Avila Felix, with hearts filled with gratitude appreciation.

Thank you, Juan Manuel!

For a follow up story that includes the gravity control controversy and updates, please read I Present: Gravity Control. May it unite and free us all.

Thank you for reading.

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