God as Singularity

2000 words on God within a scientific perspective

Author: ME Williamson
Blog Category: Religion
Posted: 21 June 2023

I wrote about past lives in the article, Who Was I?. If you read that article, then you may tend to agree that people, all people or perhaps just some people, have past lives.

If we, or just some of us, have past lives, then what are we?

Let’s approach this logically. I know that I have had past lives. You may not agree, but, for the sake of this essay I shall venture forth upon this assumption. Therefore, I am more than just my body. There is perhaps no other way that these two existent possibilities, ergo such a conjecture, could be possible: “I have past lives yet I am just this body.” This statement seems to lack a viable explanation of where and what the “me” that lives other lives exists, presently. Where is the greater me the “cumulative me” that appears to be developing a multi life experience? My body appears to possess no such storage container as to contain such historical records.

In the article that I wrote about how I had solved gravity and have now published my scientific findings in a new physics framework that I am building called Flow Theory, I briefly touch upon the concept of the Meta-Realm. In such a context of conjecture, gravity develops and exists in a realm other than the realm where we find ourselves. In recent writings I defined a realm as follows:

THE REALM: a singular, autonomous space developing the existence of matter separate from any other such spaces yet connected in covariant manners to other such realms.

The Meta-Realm, as defined in Flow, is a merging of 4 distinct and separate realms to form one greater realm. This combining of four realms then produces the net product of our realm that we perceive and our space that we seem to exist within, our home. This realm, space of existence, is comprised of nucleonic matter which is essentially protons (neutrons, according to Flow, are actually protons that lack the surface tension and buoyancy necessary to stay afloat in the physical realm and exist in a somewhat detached state, from our physical realm. This explains the lack of electrical charge of neutrons).

Within the Meta-Realm, I defined the physical realm as follows:

THE PHYSICAL: The primary is the physical realm and where we develop our existence, therefrom we may only directly draw our measures. Nucleonic matter (protons and neutrons) comprise the physical realm which requires three ancillary realms in order to develop form, time and movement.

To reiterate, therefore, nucleonic matter (protons and neutrons) comprise the physical realm which requires three ancillary realms in order to develop form, time and movement. The three ancillary realms are called Electricity, Gravity and Time (Flow Theory is available on Research Gate and OSF.io if you are interested in more information).

The Meta-Realm develops a solution to a great many physics mysteries that have frustrated scientists for hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years. Let us now push onward, and take that concept, the concept of the realm a bit further.

Engaging now in the practice of using the scientific method, I shall offer my hypothesis. Lacking in proof, it shall stand unproven. However, I think that such an inquiry is worth pursuing.

Perhaps the construct of “the realm” is a universal design method employed by our Maker.

If we exist in a Meta-Realm, which has proven itself to me, others of you reading this perhaps not but to me it has, is it not possible that there exists other such multi realm conglomerations elsewhere? (If you are not convinced of the Meta-Realm conjecture then I would encourage you to read Flow Theory and go to hyperdrive.works to see live research on the subject).

Moving forward upon this premise, that we live in a Meta-Realm, is it not further possible that there exists succeeding Meta-Realms, where one or more Meta-Realms appear to beget other such Meta-Realms?

For example, let us return now to our opening inquiry, the “cumulative me”, and ask ourselves where does the “cumulative me” derive from, where is it maintained and where does it exist?

Some of you may be shuttering at the thought, what if this is just another life, in a string of many such lives? I recall while doing brain experiments with government contractors and their apparent apprehension over this thought. This concept introduces things like Karma and the idea of perpetual and eternal life, which tends to make those who live in an evil manner very nervous. Ergo, I have observed a few government contractors become unnerved or even outright upset over the idea that there exists such a thing as a soul and that their actions may have repercussions beyond this one physical life and their current manifested self.

Perhaps the “cumulative me” exists in a thing called “the soul”. Perhaps “the soul” is the storage container of all of my past lives. If this be the case and we are existing in a Meta-Realm, hosted somewhere, then this soul must exist in yet another place. As the Meta-Realm exists, and this appears to be a rather cleaver designing methodology, then would it not be possible that the soul exists in a preceding Meta-Realm?

If this were the case, then perhaps I exist in this place, our Meta-Realm, and another place simultaneously. Perhaps, my soul is only projecting itself into this Meta-Realm. If this were the case, and I realize now that I am jumping forward rather quickly without even clearly delineating my hypotheses as I go, but I would like to develop some resolution in this article, then how would such a thing look?

I realize also that I have introduced a term without clearly defining it. This thing called “the soul” must then perhaps be a storage container of my lives lived. If it has only manifested itself, that is "lived", in Meta-Realms, such as this one, then it was formed and has developed itself herein, and these many identities, ergo individuals or people, perhaps developing a singular super identity which somehow encapsulates the sum total of every life lived. This soul, then, must have had a beginning and shall perhaps end some day. The point being that, a soul is thus defined as a storage container, for all lived experiences of one singular soul person, and a mechanism for expressing the resultant being.

There is much to explore within developing these many ideas, but in the limited space of blog pages and yours and my time, I will devote the remainder to the concept of the soul body interface and this thing called God, perhaps even bringing in the darker elements, addressed elsewhere in human writing, whereby we may develop the alter ego of God, this thing called Satan. I will attempt to return to the other concepts later, time and God permitting.

Clarifying our base assumptions, the Meta-Realm, proved to me but perhaps not to you, the Soul, perhaps existent in a succeeding, call this “higher” Meta-Realm, let us then bring these two things together. I will attempt to develop my conjecture, knowing how conjecture, especially while new and unproven, must be taken with a grain of salt.

The soul projected into the body seems like the most likely scenario to explain how I may exist today as not just ME Williamson but carrying the experiences of my past lives. The soul is not visible within the brain, as far as we know, although I believe it likely that it must be projected there as the brain is the controlling computer of the human body.

Let us start there, the “projection of the soul into the body.” There are a great many complicating issues with such a concept, and I may have to expand this inquiry to include a thing that I am developing called a parallel Meta-Realm.

There must exist within the human brain a soul/mind interface. Ergo, there must exist parts of the brain that connect to parts of the soul in order to exchange information, emotion, including love, and the perception of existence. The soul must interface in such a way to bring forth this thing that we call “being”.

For example, when we witness an individual who is awakening from sleep, there is a moment when they suddenly appear as being present. In that moment, such a presence appears to stir something within me. It is as if one existent being has seen another existent being and somehow become united in their experiencing of one another. Prior to that moment the sleeping body was inanimate. It would appear then that, the soul brings forth animation within the body.

It seems entirely likely to me that without a soul, a body would cease to animate. Perhaps, absent a soul, a functioning body, for example walking along in a day, would drop to the ground and the body would expire. I think it is quite likely that such is the case. The human brain must contain a soul, without such a presence, a body shall de-animate and become lifeless. This is my hypothesis based upon my observations.

Furthermore, I have observed connection and/or communication between my soul and the souls of others. I have the ability to communicate telepathically with anyone at any time. This in-borne talent is something that I have learned that I must take care with, as I have found it to be quite powerful.

Perhaps, there is a room somewhere, call it the soul room, where our souls all exist together. They may speak to one another directly, soul-to-soul, or they may use their given body to form words and communicate those words, body to body.

All of this leads one rather quickly to yet another very important conclusion, this system is too cleaver, complex, and interwoven to exist by accident without a higher intelligence to develop and maintain it.

Let us, for the sake of argument, call this “higher intelligence” God. This is yet another point of discontinuity for many. The concept of God has as many definitions as there are souls to count it. Since I am attempting to apply a more scientific approach let us stay on point and stick to that theme.

If there is such a thing as God, I think that it must include all of us. In another view, or slant, God is the becoming of perfection. In this perspective, God is a moving point that moves ever higher as new things are discovered, the perfection of such is without end and forms a sort of singularity as infinity. God is perhaps the infinity point of perfection, and therefore only exists from a distance, the closer you get, the further the distance one must travel to reach Him.

Why do I keep capitalizing these words, God, Maker, Him?

I respect God, and I wish to convey this respect. Who is God, that I am addressing then? If God is a point in the infinity of a line called becoming perfection, then I guess that this would be whomever is my father. I, as do you, perhaps have many “fathers”, and “mothers” for that matter, all of whom deserve our respect. For it is because of them that we exist. Whether it be a biological or higher spirit soul, without a father to bring us into existence, and to raise us up, we would not enjoy the pleasure of existence. Thank you Father. I pray at every meal, and I ask the Holy Father to bless everyday. I say, “Thank you Father for this day.”

It is perhaps His reward and pleasure to see me live and play and work within His Universe. Does this not seem so for you as well? He has given me so much to be grateful for, I therefore feel compelled to give thanks.

What is Satan?

I may only offer unproven conjecture here, which is also perhaps un-provable, at least here, in this Meta-Realm. Rather than one individual, perhaps, Satan is a people and they are many. Satan develops into a hierarchy, similar to our own, yet within another realm, perhaps similar to our Meta-Realm. Call it the dark. Call where we live the light. The dark and the light.

Perhaps they are the policemen and the testers of life within our Meta-Realm and they tempt us and influence us. They test our strength and our willingness to respect the Holy Father, ourselves, our bodies, our neighbors and everything else that we may come in contact with.

Perhaps also our Meta-Realm is a machine and that machine may be influenced by us through our bodies and the technology that we employ within that machine. Perhaps then these Satan people live in a parallel Meta-Realm, that touches upon our realm and they have developed covariant technologies that also may touch upon, influence and control our realm. This would mean that our soul has been placed within a machine that may be controlled or influenced by individual Satans. Perhaps they calls us “the Gods”.

Besides being a soul, there are records of our actions in regards to one another. Call this the Karmic database, and perhaps God said, “May it follow you everywhere and may Satan remind you constantly.” Perhaps this Karmic database is mechanized through various machines into our "Meta-Realm machine" and its reactionary functions are designed to teach us to behave in a more balanced manner.

I am out of space and perhaps 2000 words on the subject is enough for today.

Thank you for reading, have a great day and may God bless you in your work and your life.

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